Nov 26, 2006 04:10
18 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Norwegian term


Norwegian to English Law/Patents Law (general)
En rekke av høringsinstansene har vært opptatt av problemer med å rekruttere leger til ledige stillinger.

De fleste høringsinstansene peker på nødvendigheten av statlige tiltak for å rekruttere til og stabilisere allmennlegetjenesten i små- og utkantkommuner.

Høringsinstansene har ikke motsatt seg at legene må delta i driften av utekontor og sykestuer, men en rekke av høringsinstansene har uttalt seg mot at disse oppgavene foreslås regulert i forskrift.

Proposed translations

22 mins

interested authority / body entitled to comment

Peer comment(s):

agree William [Bill] Gray : "body entitled to comment" appears in Kunnskapsforlaget's Stor Englelsk Ordbok. This is better than the English "consultative body", which does not necessarily have a direct right to comment, but merely answer questions put to it.
9 hrs
agree ojinaga : Yes this is the right one and also appears in Kunnskapsforlaget's Stor Englelsk Ordbok
13 hrs
disagree Carole Hognestad : Most of the hits on the Internet for "body entitled to comment" are for Norwegian sites, i.e. translations from Norwegian, not what is used in the UK. A consultative body can give opinions, analyse and make suggestions.
16 hrs
Sure, it may sound Norwegian but it is clearly understood! Synonyms of consultative body: board of advisers, consultants, planning board, so this role has many names, none of these may neccessary have the authority given a Norwegian høringsinstans.
agree Bjørnar Magnussen : "Consultative body" is "rådgivende organ", which is not exactly the same as "høringsinstans".
17 hrs
agree Vedis Bjørndal : I'd go for yr option, Tore. Have seen "hearing body" also. Mainly AME -
1 day 8 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Takk!"
3 hrs

consultative body

Consultative body
Peer comment(s):

agree brigidm
12 mins
agree Michele Fauble
26 mins
agree Helen Johnson
3 hrs
agree alexandratheres
13 hrs
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1150 days

consultation body; consultee

The UK government Planning Advisory Service calls 'høringsinstanser' consulation bodies and consultees. See web address below

Those are the two expressions I use at least. Consultative body has more of an advisory ring to it.

Needless to say, UK government English dispenses with the Norwegian 'formell' - if it's admitted to the list of consultation bodies or consultees, it's official enough one presumes.
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