Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:

sendo defeso

English translation:

being forbidden

Added to glossary by rhandler
Aug 7, 2005 23:11
19 yrs ago
7 viewers *
Portuguese term

sendo defeso

Portuguese to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s)
...zona essa que lhe é conferida com exclusividade, sendo defeso à XXXXXXXX nela negociar diretamente, por interposta pessoa ou outra(s) empresa(s), bem como nomear outro(s) agente(s) e/ou representante(s).
Proposed translations (English)
5 +5 being forbidden

Proposed translations

8 mins

being forbidden

Esta é a idéia. Algo defeso é algo proibido. Já lhe trago o Aurélio, veja:

(ê). [Do lat. defensu.]
1. Defendido por uma proibição; proibido, vedado, impedido, interdito: 2 &
S. m.
2. Época do ano em que é defeso ou proibido caçar.

[Cf. defesso. ]

Note added at 11 mins (2005-08-07 23:23:13 GMT)

Exemplos interessantes:

Babylonian Talmud: Yebamoth 30
... she being forbidden to the other as his wife\'s sister. ... be married to the husband of that sister\'s sister (being forbidden to him as the rival of his ...

CommUnity of Minds : Working Together
The opposite of abortion being forbidden would be abortion being enforced. ...
The opposites of guns being forbidden would be that you have to have a gun. ...
... such as a clash, from occuring should the loggers remain adamant in entering our ancestral land despite being forbidden from doing so,” they added. ...

Peer comment(s):

agree António Ribeiro
15 mins
Obrigado, António.
agree Elizabeth Lyons
19 mins
Thank you, Liz
agree Philippe Maillard
40 mins
Merci, Maillard
agree Rosemary Polato
1 hr
Obrigado, Rosemary.
agree Henrique Magalhaes
10 hrs
Obrigado, Henrique
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you, Rhandler!"
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