Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:

Alta Idade Média

English translation:

High Middle Ages

Added to glossary by Sonia Almeida
Mar 1, 2002 17:31
23 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Portuguese term

Alta Idade Média

Portuguese to English Other


biancaf202 Mar 2, 2002:
Historical or general ??

Proposed translations

11 mins

High Middle Ages

A subset of the the Middle Ages. (Not "age" since "middle age" is a life period, not an historical one.)
Peer comment(s):

agree Valeria Verona : exactly
11 mins
thanks Valeria
agree MJ Barber
45 mins
thanks MJ
agree Hermeneutica : Yes, with an S
2 hrs
thanks Dee
agree Manuela Brehm
3 hrs
thanks Valentim
agree Colin Brayton : yep, referring to the 12th-14th centuries, approximately
5 hrs
thanks Colin
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks everyone. You guys were great... as always!!"
6 mins

High Middle Age

That's it.
Peer comment(s):

agree Theodore Fink : The French use "high middle age" as the name for what most of us call the early middle ages (AD 1000-1400).
8 hrs
agree Rafa Lombardino
21 hrs
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2 hrs

100% sure "Graying Population"

In the USA we are using the term "The graying of America". Meaning that the Baby Boomers are reaching their 50+ years.

Boa Sorte, tchau, Bianca
Peer comment(s):

disagree Rafa Lombardino : Acho que se trata da época antiga, não de um período passado há pouco tempo
19 hrs
You might be right, I am asking for more text. Historical or general / Obrigada Bianca
disagree P Forgas : Graying Population = meia idade not Idade Média
1 day 21 hrs
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