Aug 4, 2010 18:05
14 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Portuguese term

cabos e fios ópticos

Portuguese to English Tech/Engineering Telecom(munications)
A sociedade tem por objeto social a indústria e o comércio de fios e cabos ópticos.

Estou em dúvida quanto à melhor palavra para "fio" nesse contexto. Seria wire mesmo?


Andrew Hunt Aug 5, 2010:
Isnt it fibre optics or am I splitting hairs?

Proposed translations

1 day 15 hrs

fiber optic cables and wires

or "fibre" if translating into UK English . . .

If I were translating that, I might omit "wires", depending on the context.
Peer comment(s):

agree Andrew Hunt : Jeff my earlier comment on fiber optic then was correct yes?
3 days 8 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
5 mins

Optical cables and wires

Sim, "wires" está correto.
Peer comment(s):

agree Marlene Curtis
4 mins
Thanks, Marlene.
agree kashew
7 mins
Merci, Kachew.
agree Jennifer Byers
15 mins
Obrigado, Jennifer.
agree Caravelle
3 hrs
Obrigado, Caravelle.
agree Nickolas Dagostino (X)
8 hrs
Grato, Nickolas.
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6 hrs

optical fibers and cables

terminologia de eletrônica e telecomunicações.
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