Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Nina Iordache
Sep 24, 2008 12:43
16 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Romanian term


Non-PRO Romanian to English Law/Patents Law (general)
Am o decizie de divort de tradus si am tradus divort cu "marriage cancellation". ce parere aveti?
Proposed translations (English)
5 +9 divorce, separation
Change log

Sep 24, 2008 12:46: Andrei Albu changed "Level" from "PRO" to "Non-PRO"

Sep 29, 2008 09:14: Nina Iordache changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/672210">simonehora's</a> old entry - "divort"" to ""divorce, separation""

Proposed translations

7 mins

divorce, separation

desi separation poate insemna doar o separare temporara sau nu.

Note added at 11 mins (2008-09-24 12:55:07 GMT)

Note added at 11 mins (2008-09-24 12:55:27 GMT)


SEPARATION An arrangement where a husband and wife live apart from each other while remaining married either by mutual consent or by a judicial order. SEPARARE Aranjament în care sotul şi soţia trăiesc despărţiţi unul de altul în timp ce rămân căsătoriţi fie prin consimtamint mutual sau prin ordin judiciar.

Note added at 16 mins (2008-09-24 13:00:42 GMT)

Divorce Court Order (US):

Divorce Court Order:
(unde marriage breakdown ar insemna destramarea casatoriei si nu este un termen juridic)

Note added at 17 mins (2008-09-24 13:01:44 GMT)

un glosar interesant despre divort din Anglia:

Note added at 4 days (2008-09-29 09:14:28 GMT) Post-grading

Multumesc frumos!
Note from asker:
Peer comment(s):

agree Andrei Albu : doar divorce, nu separation
7 mins
Exact, asa este, Andrei!
agree Tatiana Welch
50 mins
Multumesc frumos, Tatiana!
agree Marinela Sandoval
55 mins
Multumesc frumos, Marinela!
agree Andrea Nagy : With Andrei
1 hr
Multumesc frumos, Andrea!
agree Ede Lungu : divorce
3 hrs
Multumesc frumos, Ede!
agree MMFORREST : divorce
5 hrs
Multumesc frumos, MMForrest!
agree Corina Dinu : divorce
6 hrs
Multumesc frumos, Corina!
agree Iosif JUHASZ : divorce
7 hrs
Multumesc frumos, Iosif!
21 hrs
Multumesc frumos, Rodica!
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