Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Russian term or phrase:
сверка взаиморасчетов
English translation:
Added to glossary by
Jun 4, 2002 14:59
22 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Russian term
сверка взаиморасчетов
Russian to English
производить сверку взаиморасчетов
Акт сверки взаиморасчетов
Акт сверки взаиморасчетов
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
10 mins
and Reconciliation Report
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thank you!!!"
9 mins
netting validation
Относится к процессу (подчеркиваю, процессу)проведения сверки взаиморасчетов, а вот как обозвать результирующий документ, право, затрудняюсь, поскольку это производится компьютеризированным способом в формате, очень близком к Excell. Может быть, statement?
19 mins
The process or act of reconsidering the benefeits of a mutual relationship
Sorry, I dont know if there is a standard phrase for this term.
1 hr
Bank Reconciliation or Reconcilation, the result of which is reconcilation statement.
As in: "The Solution-IV Bank Reconciliation package". Reconcilation process: You can print a Bank Reconciliation Statement to help with any out of balance condition and to serve as a record of a balanced account.
Note added at 2002-06-04 16:29:12 (GMT)
I belive mentioning the word Bank at least once on a page would be better instead of just saying Reconciliation, cause there is a little danger of a lyrical connotation creeping in here: like reconciling with your boyfriend after a hot dispute and tears and emotions...
Thank you.
Note added at 2002-06-04 16:29:12 (GMT)
I belive mentioning the word Bank at least once on a page would be better instead of just saying Reconciliation, cause there is a little danger of a lyrical connotation creeping in here: like reconciling with your boyfriend after a hot dispute and tears and emotions...
Thank you.
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