Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Russian term or phrase:
осуществляться при наличии доказательств уведомления кредиторов
English translation:
may only proceed upon the submission of evidence that creditors have been notified in the manner set
Added to glossary by
Irina Gerunova
Mar 14, 2011 06:02
13 yrs ago
Russian term
осуществляться при наличии доказательств уведомления кредиторов
Russian to English
Law (general)
Государственная регистрация обществ, созданных в результате реорганизации, и внесения записей о прекращении деятельности реорганизованных обществ осуществляется при наличии доказательств уведомления кредиторов в порядке, установленном настоящим пунктом
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
2 hrs
may only proceed upon the submission of evidence that creditors have been notified in the manner set
Не мучайтесь, всё уже давно переведено, нужно только хорошенько поискать :). Это из перевода Baker & McKenzie: The state registration of companies being established as a result of reorganization, and the inclusion of entries to record the termination of the reorganized companies may only proceed upon the submission of evidence that creditors have been notified in the manner set forth in this Article 51.5. Разумеется, возможны варианты, напр.: subject to submission... that creditors have been duly notified accordingly in compliance with /pursuant to/ this clause.
Example sentence:
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "спасибо"
11 mins
with presence of proof of notification of creditors
Here it denotes informing the creditors of restructured societies.
7 mins
The state registration... shall be made in presence of...
The state registration... shall be made in presence of evidences of notification to the creditors
Note added at 15 mins (2011-03-14 06:17:15 GMT)
The State Registration of the entities created upon reorganization and the entry / record about termination of activities / business of the reorganized entities shall be made in presence of evidences of notification to the creditors in the order set out herein.
Note added at 15 mins (2011-03-14 06:17:15 GMT)
The State Registration of the entities created upon reorganization and the entry / record about termination of activities / business of the reorganized entities shall be made in presence of evidences of notification to the creditors in the order set out herein.
1 hr
subject to the presentation of proof (affidavit) of notice to creditors
Also, "subject to the existence (availability) of..."
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Jack Doughty
31 mins
Thank you, Jack!
agree |
1 hr
Thank you, Cyhul!
agree |
8 hrs
Thank you!
2 hrs
if there are proofs of notification to creditors
State registration and dissolution/liquidation of converted companies shall be performed if there are proofs of notification to creditors made according to the procedure established by this clause.
Note added at 3 hrs (2011-03-14 09:56:57 GMT)
correction: if there is proof of notification
Note added at 3 hrs (2011-03-14 09:56:57 GMT)
correction: if there is proof of notification
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
Vladimir Morozov
: "proofs" - употребление этого слова во множ. числе в данном значении не характерно для английского языка
40 mins
спасибо за замечание, Владимир. Абсолютно согласна. Поторопилась
6 hrs
will be effected on presentation of evidence that the creditors have been informed or adivsed
would be my suggestion- Or: ......... of evidence to the effect that ......
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