Glossary entry

Russian term or phrase:

за счет перетяжки

English translation:


Added to glossary by Natalie
Jul 11, 2004 21:19
20 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Russian term

за счет перетяжки

Russian to English Medical Medical (general) ultrasound

Форма: деформирован за счет перетяжки

Proposed translations

1 hr
Russian term (edited): �� ��� ��������

gallblader' stricture

Stricture- an abnormal narrowing of a bodily passage(as from inflammation or the formation of scar issue; also- the narrowed part/Webster's Medical Dictionary/
*of bile duct’s strictures*
Peer comment(s):

agree Marina Mrouga : stricture - narrowing of hollow organ (Stedman)
10 hrs
thank you, Marina
agree Martinique : Помимо stricture, которая может быть longitudinal или transverse, при описании перетяжек желчного пузыря используют слово septum
13 hrs
thank you, Martinique
agree R. E. M : that's it!
1 day 5 hrs
thank you, russ_erin
agree Rostyslav Voloshchuk
1 day 9 hrs
thank you,Rostyk
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Very good! Thank you, Ann."
14 mins
Russian term (edited): �� ��� ��������

due to constriction

deformed due to constriction

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