May 10, 2002 02:18
22 yrs ago
Russian term


Non-PRO Russian to English Art/Literary Religion Religion
Священник (церковь) есть посредник между человеком и Богом.

Proposed translations

3 hrs

mediator (priest/negotiator)

... while the all-men-are-brothers devotees ... The blessing of God is promised to ... but the
religious negotiator had better watch ... to settle quarrels between members of ...

... For there is one God, and one mediator (priest/negotiator) between God and men,
the man Christ Jesus; who gave Himself a ransom for all." I Timothy 2:5,6 ...

... He operate? Would He be the negotiator who would secure political peace ... is one God,
and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;" (1 Tim ...

... and used it. As a negotiator he was infinitely patient and ... He is the one Mediator
between God and man, divine and ... as a ransom for all men" (v.6). Again the ...

Peer comment(s):

agree Tatiana Neroni (X)
3 hrs
agree Teresa Pearce : Agree with "mediator" only. As an amateur theologian, I would translate the sentence "The priest (church) is the mediator between man and God".
3 hrs
agree xeni (X) : Mediator
8 hrs
agree Alan Campbell
12 hrs
agree Yelena.
2 days 5 hrs
agree Сергей Лузан : Mediator
3 days 11 hrs
agree Jim F.
4 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement. KudoZ."
10 mins

liaison, mediator, medium

I would use a "liaison".
Peer comment(s):

neutral Sergey : Liaison isn't a religious term. Mediator is Christ.
13 mins
You must be right - liaison is too business-like. Never heard about that mediation hierarchy though...
neutral Jim Otis : Definitely "Mediator." See I Timothy 2:5
1 hr
"Mediator" was my first thought, too, but then I started second-guessing
disagree Mikhail Kriviniouk : liason is more of a term for the "process of mediation", rather than mediator him/herself...
2 days 7 hrs
Something went wrong...
27 mins


This is the term I've heard in descripitions of Catholicism
Peer comment(s):

agree Natalia Olshanskaya Robinson
0 min
disagree Sergey : Intermediary is the Holy Spirit, not a church.
9 mins
agree Yuri Geifman : agree with Gary... является ли посредником церковь или дух святой - вопрос, который должны решать богословы, а не переводчики
2 hrs
agree Maria Knorr
9 hrs
agree xeni (X)
10 hrs
agree Brainworks (X)
20 hrs
agree Mikhail Kriviniouk : Totally agree with Yuri Geifman!
2 days 7 hrs
agree Сергей Лузан
3 days 13 hrs
Something went wrong...
48 mins


Depends on the rest of text.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Сергей Лузан : Not in the context, I'm afraid.
3 days 13 hrs
Something went wrong...
48 mins


I would rephrase a bit this sentence. Like this: The church (minister) is (placed) between man and the God. But the translation depends on to what extent it has to be literal.
Peer comment(s):

agree protolmach
1 min
agree Tatiana Neroni (X)
1 hr
agree Lilian Vardanyan : I woud say: he acts as intermediary..between
3 hrs
agree Rostislau Golod : yes, you can also say is the LINK between man and the God
5 hrs
agree Maria Knorr
9 hrs
agree Сергей Лузан : with Lill
3 days 13 hrs
Something went wrong...
3 hrs


Peer comment(s):

neutral Сергей Лузан : It's something different, I'm afraid.
3 days 11 hrs
Something went wrong...
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