Glossary entry

Russian term or phrase:


English translation:

conditioned reflex activity

Added to glossary by Palmyra
Apr 24, 2002 02:34
22 yrs ago
Russian term


Russian to English Science medicine, biology
влияние этоленгликоля на условнорефлекторную деятельность животных


Natalie Apr 24, 2002:

Proposed translations

13 mins

conditioned reflex activity

or, conditioned response activity
Peer comment(s):

agree Brainworks (X) : also 'trained reflex', 'behavior reflex'
6 mins
agree djack
22 mins
agree Vladimir Pochinov
1 hr
agree David Mitchell : conditioned reflex is the common phrase and comes directly from Pavlov's Russian.
3 hrs
agree Сергей Лузан
3 hrs
agree Elisabeth Ghysels
5 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks!"
1 hr

conditioned reflex

ethylene glycol effect on conditioned reflex activity of animals
ethylene glycol effect on animal conditioned reflex activity

условно-рефлекторный сон = conditioned reflex sleep (Lingvo 7)
Peer comment(s):

agree Сергей Лузан : Attribute usage might appear the best one here.
2 hrs
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