Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Aida González del Álamo
Jul 11, 2003 12:33
21 yrs ago
16 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Bus/Financial
super urgente: se trata de los prescriptores de los productos de una empresa
corre mucha urgencia, mil gracias!!!!!!!

Proposed translations

2 mins

specifiers, technical instructions


Note added at 10 hrs 33 mins (2003-07-11 23:06:43 GMT)

Urrutia - Diccionario de negocios
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "gracias"
5 mins

See glossary

Courtesy of Cindy Chadd:

Spanish Term prescriptor
Definition profesional que,mediante su consejo a los consumidores,influye sobre la venta del producto o servicio franquiciado
English Term prescriber;consumer motivator

Líder de Opinión/ Opinion Leader:
Individuo que ejerce una influencia personal sobre otros. No se trata de un líder en sentido estricto, sino de un "experto" sobre un producto o servicio. Se le denomina también "prescriptor" y actúa de intermediario entre los medios de comunicación de masas y los consumidores. (
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6 mins


Also called 'expert channels', that is, Independent experts (consultants, authorities, arbitrators) who exercise an important influence on buyers.


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14 mins

thought leaders

I have come across this as a translation, though it's a bit more general and probably doesn't fit this context
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2 hrs


I believe this refers to the people who regulate the quality control and specifications of a product.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Andy Watkinson : Sorry, but they're definitely not regulators. They're individuals with the power to influence product/service purchasing decisions or policies
3 hrs
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2 hrs

"dictators of consumer choice"

... from my illustrious card index.
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