Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:


English translation:

against re-ignition/anti re-ignition

Added to glossary by BristolTEc
Sep 6, 2007 12:50
17 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Tech/Engineering Engineering (general) Fire protection
Related to the definition of the type of fire extinguisher to be installed in part of a new shopping centre:

"Las zonas de ... dispondrán de extintores sobre carro de 50 kg de polvo seco polivalente *** antibrasa ***, a razón de uno por ..."

"El tipo de agente extintor escogido es fundamentalmente el polvo seco polivalente antibrasa, ..."

I have found this description in Spanish:

"3.3.2.- Polvo antibrasa.

Se llama así a las sales de fosfatos sódicos o potásicos que se emplean en la extinción. Con respecto al normal tienen la facultad de fundirse y quedar sobre los restos encendidos impidiendo el contacto directo con el aire. De aquí el nombre de "antibrasa".
Por su composición química tiene un mayor efecto de paralización de la reacción interna del producto. "
( )

but I don't know enough about extinguishers to match this to an English term.

Proposed translations

26 mins

against re-ignition

"...Multipurpose dry chemical extinguisher. They have an advantage over CO2 and "clean agent" extinguishers in that they leave a blanket of non-flammable material on the extinguished material which reduces the likelihood of reignition. "

"This is the multipurpose dry chemical extinguisher. The ABC type is filled with monoammonium phosphate, a yellow powder that leaves a sticky residue that may be damaging to electrical appliances such as a computer.
Dry chemical extinguishers have an advantage over CO2 extinguishers since they leave a non-flammable substance on the extinguished material, reducing the likelihood of re-ignition."
Peer comment(s):

agree Michael Boone : or "anti-reignition"?
39 mins
Thank you Michael, (:
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks"
7 mins

fire-extinguishing (adjective)

fire-extinguishing powder

Note added at 8 mins (2007-09-06 12:59:38 GMT)

Note added at 9 mins (2007-09-06 12:59:57 GMT)

500+ refs on Google
Peer comment(s):

agree Egmont
5 mins
agree Shawn Keeney : polyvalent fire-extinguishing powder
15 hrs
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22 mins

dry chemical fire extinguisher

See reference below from How Stuff Works.
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10 mins

dry powder

polivalente antibrasa - dry powder

This is definitely talking about a dry powder extinguisher. I have done many firefighting courses so I know this is correct. The dry powder extinguishers are used for flash fires and dowse the flames very quickly. They can be used for fuel fires, but although they put the fire out quickly, they do not take away any heat, so there is the fire can flare up again. Take a look at the webpage below you will see it officially.

Note added at 29 mins (2007-09-06 13:20:11 GMT)

Hi there, thanks for your reply, I will look into this

Note added at 1 hr (2007-09-06 13:55:54 GMT)

Hi there, I've been looking at the meanings for "brasa" and came across various products which are designed to produce "llama y brasa", eg.
I am almost entirely convinced that brasa means heat in this instance, anti-brasa could mean "anti-heat", but for the purposes of your particular translation i would be inclined to go with the answer given by Ana Gutierrez of "anti-reignition". I have agreed with her answer.
Note from asker:
Thanks Michael, but I am a bit confused - these extinguishers are "dry powder" - it says "polvo seco", which appears clear. They are also "multi-purpose" (polivalente) as they cover grades A, B and C on the page you quote - but what extra does "antibrasa" add? From the Spanish description it appears that the particular salts used fuse to form a blanket over the fire - unlike other "dry powder" types
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16 hrs

ABC/multi-purpose dry chemical

ABC represent the three classes of fire.

ABC dry chemical has quick flame "knock-down" and can help to secure Class A fires against re-ignition. Since many hazards involve a variety of fuel sources ... - 10k - Cached - Similar pages

Dry Chemical Fire ExtinguishersContinue discharging to prevent reignition. Remember, hold or place the extinguisher ... What are the advantages and disadvantages of ABC, dry chemical fire ... - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] 22695 KF-0042File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
rapid suppression and protection against fire re-ignition. ... ABC dry chemical also suppresses Class A (wood, paper, cloth) fires. Both are ... - Similar pages

Dry Chemicals and Dry Powders ABC Dry Chemical PowderThis site may harm your computer.
When Chemguard ABC dry chemical powder is introduced directly into the fire ... and thereby completes the extinguishing process and prevents reignition. ...
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