Jun 24, 2013 15:09
11 yrs ago
48 viewers *
Spanish term

toma de conocimiento

Spanish to English Other General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
I understand that this means that the person has seen/read/received the document in question. And I know that "acknowledgement of receipt" is actually "acuse de recibo." My question is, would you translate "toma de conocimiento" as "acknowledgement of receipt" as well?

I have it in different contexts - all in official letters:

El comité HA TOMADO CONOCIMIENTO del mismo.
...permite solicitar la revisión y TOMA DE CONOCIMIENTO de los siguiente documentos:

I have been translating this as "has been informed of..." but I am considering switching to "acknowledges receipt of..."/"acknowledgement of receipt" (depending on the context).

I'd love to receive feedback/suggestions on this.

Proposed translations (English)
5 took cognizance of
4 +6 note/take note of
Change log

Jun 24, 2013 17:18: philgoddard changed "Field" from "Medical" to "Other" , "Field (specific)" from "Medical: Pharmaceuticals" to "General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters" , "Field (write-in)" from "Clinical Trial" to "(none)"


franglish Jun 24, 2013:
@Hinanit What kind of document are you translating?

Proposed translations

7 mins

took cognizance of


Note added at 10 mins (2013-06-24 15:19:38 GMT)

taking cognizance - The Free Dictionary
www.thefreedictionary.com/taking cognizance

Observance; notice: We will take cognizance of your objections at the proper time . 4. ... take cognizance of to take notice of; acknowledge, esp officially.

http://dictionary.reverso.net/english-cobuild/take cognizanc...

Note added at 16 mins (2013-06-24 15:25:39 GMT)

Report No 82, 1965 - FOA case text
www.ilo.org › ... › Search Freedom of Association cases‎
At its meeting in November 1964 the Committee took cognizance of this case and decided to postpone examination of it until its next meeting, when it was hoped ...
View as PDF - Bayefsky.com
Members of the Committee took cognizance of the fact that the situation of Lesotho was a very special one, in that the Kingdom was geographically surrounded ...

Note added at 20 mins (2013-06-24 15:29:37 GMT)

Report of the Fourth Regular Meeting of the Executive Committee - Page 44 - Google Books Result
The Committee took cognizance of the Report. Item 14. Report from the Director General on the Present Legal Status of the Tropical Agriculture Research and ...

Word File - UNESCO World Heritage
In the light of the evaluation presented by IUCN, the Committee took cognizance of the fact that the new boundaries proposed by the Guinean authorities, though ...

Record of Policy Actions - Board of Governors of the Federal ...
the Committee took cognizance of evidences of expansion available from data on production, employment, capital expenditures, Federal defense outlays,.

1916 Rebellion Museum | Oireachtas All-Party Committee for ...
Nov 8, 2012 – In arriving at this decision, the Committee took cognizance of the likely effect of the proposed surrounding development on the National .

Press Release 1.27.2012 « APML US
Jan 27, 2012 – The committee took cognizance of the changed circumstances in the country and proposed that Former President of Pakistan Pervez Musharraf ...

Page text
This anticipation was realized. The Committee took cognizance of the relief credit settle- ment proposal as made by Schiiller, and stated that it would be trans- ...

etc. etc.

Note added at 37 mins (2013-06-24 15:47:14 GMT)

in the second instance simply

Note added at 48 mins (2013-06-24 15:57:59 GMT)

Is there any defense for this? - Page 2 - RC Groups
Sep 8, 2006 - 8 posts - 4 authors
Can the military request cognizance of the matter and try him at court martial, over the intentions of the civilian authorities? I have a hard time ...
Note from asker:
This sounds perfect for "El comité HA TOMADO CONOCIMIENTO" translated as "The Committee HAS TAKEN COGNIZANCE OF". But, how would you suggest that I translate "... solicita la revisión y TOMA DE CONOCIMIENTO de los siguiente documentos"?
Peer comment(s):

neutral philgoddard : This has a slightly oldfashioned and pompous ring to it these days. //Is this the same billh who says glossary entries are worthless? :-)
8 mins
Oh yes. Well, I don't know how many committeees you have sat on recently ....... But the fact is that is the absolutely correct translation here. Is it not already in the glossary????
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
24 mins

note/take note of

You've given two different examples. I would say "noted" for the first one, and something like "revise and take note of" for the second, though I don't think we have enough context for this one.

My dictionary reference says it doesn't have any translations for the phrase, but then gives some at the bottom of the page.

Note added at 28 mins (2013-06-24 15:37:51 GMT)

"Review and take note of".
Peer comment(s):

agree Teressa Weaver : I also like the phrase "made aware of" that was included in your link, Phil.
1 hr
agree Jennifer Lopez
2 hrs
agree Nedra Rivera Huntington
2 hrs
agree Robert Forstag
3 hrs
agree AllegroTrans
5 hrs
agree Yvonne Gallagher
6 hrs
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