Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Spanish term or phrase:
English translation:
prominent/important men
Spanish term
Aquí llegaron, en el siglo XVII, prohombres de la gran epopeya de las Misiones.
I'm not great at history...enough said.....anyone know if there's a specific term we use in English?
Jul 15, 2007 19:55: Lydia De Jorge changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/578722">patyjs's</a> old entry - "prohombres"" to ""prominent/important men""
Proposed translations
prominent/important men
Note added at 4 days (2007-07-15 19:55:35 GMT) Post-grading
I'm happy I could help!
founding fathers
the illustrious men
the illustrious men who were part of the saga of the Mission period.
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