Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:


English translation:

nonconformity / disagreements

Added to glossary by Karen Friedman
Aug 6, 2005 21:44
19 yrs ago
9 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) Tender document
This appears repeatedly in a bidding document: "**Disconformidades**, Errores y Omisiones" and "La metodologia de ajuste de precios para reflejar la falta o **disconformidad** de un item o componente es..."

Proposed translations

1 min

nonconformity / disagreements

Peer comment(s):

agree John Hughson (J.D., M.B.A. Finance) : I like nonconformity. Sounds legal!
5 mins
Thank you mucho, John......sen
agree Sergio Gaymer
6 mins
Thanks bunches.....Sergio.....xen
agree Alejandra Karamanian : Non-conformity is the word here for me because we are talking about items and components. Well-done Xenia! Alejandra
22 mins
I thank you much, Alejandra....saludos.......xen
agree Gabriela Rodriguez
37 mins
agree Maria Paz Mella
46 mins
Sweetblue, many thanks.....xen
agree Philippe Maillard
1 hr
Philippe, kiitos, dankie, airgato ....xen....
agree Henry Hinds
3 hrs
Muchas gracias, Henry.....xen
agree Marina Soldati
3 hrs
Marinita, muy amable...feliz fin de semana.....xen
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Xen, you hit the nail on the head twice for me on this document. Mil gracias!"
31 mins


Just sounds right in the context
Something went wrong...
57 mins


also: objection, disapproval, disagreement, nonconformity.
Hope it helps!
Something went wrong...
3 hrs


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