Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

mancomunada, solidaria o subsidiaria

English translation:

joint, several, or (nor) subsidiary

Added to glossary by Paul García
Jul 15, 2007 21:43
17 yrs ago
15 viewers *
Spanish term

mancomunada, solidaria o subsidiaria

Spanish to English Bus/Financial Law: Contract(s) financial agreement
Las partes convienen expresamente que en ningún caso y bajo ninguna circunstancia, se entendera que existe, o se crearé, una responsabilidad mancomunada, solidaria o subsidiaria entre (compañía X y compañía Y)


Rocio Barrientos Jul 22, 2007:
Gracias a tí Paul

Proposed translations

32 mins

joint, several, or (nor) subsidiary

the guarantees are joint and several (if any subsidiary guarantee is not joint and several, then each subsidiary guarantor whose guarantee is not joint and several need not include separate financial statements but the condensed consolidating financial information should include a separate column for each guarantor whose guarantee is not joint and several),
Peer comment(s):

agree anamaria bulgariu
9 hrs
Muchas gracias
agree MikeGarcia : También vale! Maestra..............
11 hrs
Muchas gracias :) muy halagada
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "muchísima gracias"
14 mins

joint or several

liability, that is.

Pretty sure that's it.

Note added at 16 mins (2007-07-15 21:59:29 GMT)

... or secondary!

Sorry, left that out!

Note added at 18 mins (2007-07-15 22:01:37 GMT)

OK, let's try to get it right this time:

"joint and several or subsidary"
Peer comment(s):

agree Claudia Vera
6 mins
agree AllegroTrans
8 mins
Gracias, Allegro!
agree Gándara
3 hrs
agree MikeGarcia : Vale...
11 hrs
agree Margarita Palatnik (X)
21 hrs
Gracias, Margarita.
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