Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

En todo aquello no previsto

English translation:

for all the unforseen ....

Added to glossary by Maria Luisa Duarte
Jun 6, 2002 06:25
22 yrs ago
25 viewers *
Spanish term

En todo aquello no previsto

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) contrato
En todo aquello no previsto, relativo a las compraventas derivadas del contrato de distribución, regirán las normas previstas en la Convención de Viena de 1.980 para la compraventa internacional de mercancías.

Proposed translations

31 mins

for all the unforseen ....


Note added at 2002-06-06 07:05:17 (GMT)

a few examples:
in case of unforseen circumstances which prevent the carrier from completing delivery,

If an unforseen condition arises which is not covered specifically by the contract\'s terms and conditions, then the contract coordinator reviews the circumstances and decides if any change is advisable, and if so whether it would be within the scope of work of the contract.

Note added at 2002-06-06 07:12:07 (GMT)

In these General Terms and ... in governing law and jurisprudece - all
external causes, foreseen or unforseen ... as if it were a seperate contract ...

Note added at 2002-06-06 07:38:55 (GMT)

another possible term

unforeseen contingencies in the contract they draw up.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "¡muchas gracias!"
38 mins

That which is not covered...

Examples from legal language:

Since it is impossible to stipulate every single no-parking contingency in this
manual or by posting signs about campus, that which is not covered in this ...

... Arguably, that which is not covered within the criminal statutes and dealt with
by our courts is between yourself, your conscience, your spouse and your ...

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51 mins

In all that which has not been anticipated by

In all that which has not been anticipated by "LAW X", relative to transactions deriving from the contract of distribution, the norms anticipated in the Vienna Convention of 1980 for international transactions of merchandise will govern.

Sorry. Don't know too much about this law. And there is not too much context in your question. This at least gives you a start and I will check back later and see if you got a great answer! Good Luck!

Note added at 2002-06-06 08:12:22 (GMT)

I am not sure that this answer is the right one as it is out of context. When I began formulating my answer, those which are stated above had not been proposed yet and I was indeed in the direction of those stated above before I began to think hard about it. Sorry!
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1 hr

for all non considered matters

a guess
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3 hrs

In all matters that have not been provided for

with regard to the purchases... another option.
Peer comment(s):

agree Andrea Bullrich : :)
8 hrs
agree Manuel Cedeño Berrueta
10 hrs
agree Сергей Лузан : The most frequent version I met "with regard to the purchases"..
21 hrs
Something went wrong...
3 hrs

In everything/ In all matters not provided for with respect to…

In everything/ In all matters not provided for with respect to…
Esta es la fórmula que se usa en los contratos.
Ref: varios cientos de contratos traducidos.
[email protected];
[email protected]
Peer comment(s):

agree Lorianne Weston
1 hr
Gracias, Lorianne
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5 hrs

regarding every unforeseen issues...

Salute from Medellin. Good luck.
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7 hrs

all other matters

The standards set forth in the Vienna Convetion of 1.980 [is this a year?]for the sale/purchase of international merchandise shall govern all matters not set forth hereunder regarding sales/purchases arising under the distribution contract.
Please note: in the US, one usually specifies whether it is a sales or purchase contract. One doesn't usually use both. But if necessary one can say sale/purchase
Something went wrong...
8 hrs

With respect to contingencies related to transactions...

contingency: a possible but not very likely future event or condition - Collins Concise (English) Dictionary
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