Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

unidad de pacto

English translation:

sole agreement

Added to glossary by Rafael Molina Pulgar
Nov 21, 2009 12:26
15 yrs ago
8 viewers *
Spanish term

unidad de pacto

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s)
The term appears in the following sentence:

El presente contrato, con todos los documentos y detalles referidos en el mismo, constituye la unidad del pacto, que...

Thank you for your suggestions.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +2 sole agreement
4 +1 (composite) entirety of agreement
Change log

Nov 22, 2009 15:58: Rafael Molina Pulgar changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/1043546">Alejandro Alcaraz Sintes's</a> old entry - "unidad de pacto"" to ""sole agreement""


Alejandro Alcaraz Sintes (asker) Nov 21, 2009:
A lo segundo: a que todos los documentos adjuntos o listados en el contrato y el contrato forman un solo pacto.
patricia scott Nov 21, 2009:
Una duda, Alejandro: ¿se refiere a la unidad en cuanto a criterio o significa que los docs, detalles, etc. constituyen un todo (agreement pack)?

Proposed translations

17 mins

sole agreement

Design Contract
- [ Traducir esta página ]
31 Jan 2006 ... Sole Agreement. This agreement constitutes the sole agreement between Quicksilver and the Client regarding this Project. ... - En caché - Similares
Note from asker:
Gracias, Rafael. Es exactamente lo que necesitaba. Un abrazo.
Peer comment(s):

agree Emma Ratcliffe
2 hrs
Gracias, Emma. Feliz sábado.
agree Victoria Frazier
10 hrs
Gracias, Victoria.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Gracias, Rafael. He usado tu propuesta. Saludos cordiales."
8 hrs

(composite) entirety of agreement

Different emphasis: the contract and schedules constitute a composite whole.

Example sentence:

Entirety of Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire and only agreement between the parties for use of Product

Note from asker:
Thank you for you help, Tom. Alejandro
Peer comment(s):

agree Peter Manda : integration clause
1370 days
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