Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:


English translation:

Advance payment

Added to glossary by Sheilann
Feb 27, 2002 16:22
23 yrs ago
58 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Law/Patents
Los honorarios, corretajes y suplidos de los Fedatarios Públicos que intervengan en la elevación a documento público de este Contrato

I've never found a satisfactory translation for "suplidos", but it's commonly seen on the invoices of Procurators, Notaries and similar. All suggestions welcome. TIA

Proposed translations

5 mins

advance payment

I won't vouch for it, but it's in the Diccionario Jurídico de Cabanellas-Hoague: advance payment made by an agent on behalf of another.

Peer comment(s):

agree Rafa Lombardino
36 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "This fits nicely. Thanks. Note to Cecilia Avanceña: sorry but we're not talking about SS."
4 mins


How about "compensations," since in a sense to "suplir" is to replace, or to compensate for something.

Hope it helps.
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13 mins


As Andrea says, these are advances. In SS law, however, these fall under "percepciones extrasalariales" in the pay slip, to wit:

"Cantidades percibidas por el trabajador en concepto de indemnizaciones o **suplidos por los gastos realizados como consecuencia de su actividad laboral**, así como las prestaciones e indemnizaciones de la Seguridad Social y las indemnizaciones correspondientes a traslados, suspensiones o despidos (art. 26.2 LET); no constituyen salario a ningún efecto, quedando también excluidas del cómputo para la base de cotización a la Seguridad Social (art. 109.2 LGSS)."

For payslip purposes, these may be allowances given on pro-rata basis, always assuming that there ARE such expenses, which the employee may not need to justify. In the case of professionals who present receipts or vouchers, I'd suggest "reimbursements".
Peer comment(s):

agree Andrea Bullrich : Makes a lot of sense to me... :-)
11 mins
agree Rafa Lombardino
30 mins
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1 hr


Right on!
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