Feb 18, 2003 17:00
21 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Spanish term

confusing sentence

Spanish to English Law/Patents
Here is a very long sentence written by a Colombian court clerk. I am not a native Spanish speaker, but this sentence does not seem to me to be well written. I am confused about the two sections between asterisks. I cannot figure out what "el mismo" refers to. Also, I assume that "él antes citado" has to be Sr. X, but I don't understand "en los internos."
"Comedidamente, en atención a lo estipulado en la Resolución 123 del 15 de noviembre del 2000, por medio de a [sic] cual el señor Fiscal General de la Nación resuelve comisionar a un Fiscal para que le proponga rebaja de pena por beneficios por colaboración con la Administración de Justicia al señor X, me permito remitir a su Despacho el cuaderno original *contentivo del mismo* para efectos de que adelante diligencias con fines de acuerdo *con él antes citado en los internos* en los términos y condiciones en ella señalados."

Proposed translations

14 mins

Ask the client!

Jeanne: I am a native speaker, a legal translator and know the legal jargon. But this is very poor Spanish and incomprehensible. There is a spelling mistake and "él" should be just "el" (the aforementioned... or "the... mentioned above") but I'm sure it does not refer to a Mr. X.
I would try to get your client to straighten this out for you.
Peer comment(s):

agree mónica alfonso : Yes, this is serious enough to deserve further consultation.
11 mins
Gracias, Mónica
agree Manuel Cedeño Berrueta
39 mins
Gracias, Manual
agree MariaLP
52 mins
Gracias, María
agree María Eugenia Wachtendorff
4 hrs
Gracias, Maru
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks. I appreciated everyone's suggestions, but in the end I decided the sentence really did have too many errors to try to accurately translated. I added a translator's note to that effect."
4 mins

the file containing the [petition for??] reduction of sentence

that's my guess for the first part but I haven't the foggiest for the second.

Note added at 2003-02-18 18:00:02 (GMT)

Second part (come to me, O Psychic Powers!):
in order to reach an agreement with the aforementioned Prosecutor concerning the contents of said file and the terms and conditions enumerated therein.
Peer comment(s):

agree Manuel Cedeño Berrueta
50 mins
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16 mins

"of such contention" "with the aforementioned in the internment"

Colombian Castillian is known to utilize certain words used many decades ago. Especially in legal terms. Unfortunately, you will find in Latin American courts, that the people that in effect draft legal briefs or documents, are in many cases people with very little education and they usually transcribe from other documents in their files. Therefore, this translation cannot be perfect. I am a licensed attorney in Mexico but I have experience with South American practice. Contentivo is not really a valid word in Spanish, its most approximate meaning is the also improper Contensivo, or contentious. Basically this is saying that they are transfering the case file. Con el antes citado en los internos, means that Mr. X is interned and that he should be processed as such.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Manuel Cedeño Berrueta : contentivo, va. (De contento, contenido). 1. adj. Que contiene. 2. adj. Med. Dicho de una pieza de apósito: Que sirve para contener otras. http://www.rae.es/
36 mins
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32 mins

I refer -

I now refer the original file where this is contained to your Office for subsequent resolution, along with that quoted in internal proceedings, in the terms and conditions set forth therein.

I'm not too sure about the "internos". Possibly it means the internal file in the prison because the man is being granted a reduction in his sentence for having collaborated with the authorities.
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4 hrs

te lo pongo en castellano inteligible:

me permito remitir a su Despacho el cuaderno original *contentivo del mismo* para efectos de que adelante diligencias con fines de acuerdo *con él antes citado en los internos* en los términos y condiciones en ella señalados."
me permito enviar a su oficina el cuaderno original que la contiene [LA RESOLUCIÓN DEL FISCAL], para que adelante [PROCEED WITH, PROGRESS] diligencias tendientes a llegar al acuerdo con el Sr. X como se menciona en los registros internos, de acuerdo a los términos y condiciones ahí [EN LOS REGISTROS INTERNOS] señalados.

No te la doy en inglés porque, aunque conozco mucho el vocabulario y los conceptos (tengo la ayuda de mi marido, que es abogado), creo que lo harás mucho mejor tú misma.

¡Suerte y mucho ánimo!
María Eugenia
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