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Aug 1, 2005 11:11
19 yrs ago
90 viewers *
Spanish term
sociedad en comandita por acciones
Spanish to English
Law: Taxation & Customs
Decalración de impuesto a las ganancias.
Proposed translations
10 mins
partnership limited by shares
Law Bulgaria: PARTNERSHIP LIMITED BY SHARES - [ Traduzca esta página ]Commercial Law Bulgaria (text): PARTNERSHIP LIMITED BY SHARES. ... The organs of the partnership limited by shares shall be those set forth by this Law for ... recht/en/commerce_law/node53.php - 26k - En caché - Páginas similares
First Republic Securities - Investment Glossary - [ Traduzca esta página ]See: General Partner; Limited Liability; Limited Partnership. Limited Partnership (LP) ... Investments in Stocks, Mutual Funds and Options are: ... republic/invest_glosry_LiLn.htm - 34k - En caché - Páginas similares
Environmental Investors Financial Glossary! - [ Traduzca esta página ]See: General Partner; Limited Liability; Limited Partn ership ... Organization that consists of a general partner and limited partners. ... - 20k - En caché - Páginas similares
Otra opción a la de Ana. Suerte recht/en/commerce_law/node53.php - 26k - En caché - Páginas similares
First Republic Securities - Investment Glossary - [ Traduzca esta página ]See: General Partner; Limited Liability; Limited Partnership. Limited Partnership (LP) ... Investments in Stocks, Mutual Funds and Options are: ... republic/invest_glosry_LiLn.htm - 34k - En caché - Páginas similares
Environmental Investors Financial Glossary! - [ Traduzca esta página ]See: General Partner; Limited Liability; Limited Partn ership ... Organization that consists of a general partner and limited partners. ... - 20k - En caché - Páginas similares
Otra opción a la de Ana. Suerte
1 hr
joint venture
5 hrs
Limited partnership by actions
Sociedad en Comandita por Acciones - [ Translate this page ]
Sociedad en comandita por acciones. Es la sociedad que tiene dos categorías de
socios: comanditados y comanditarios. La primera, responde por las ... - 29k - Cached - Similar pages
Sociedad En Comandita por Acciones - [ Translate this page ]
SOCIEDAD EN COMANDITA POR ACCIONES. Es aquella en la cual uno o varios socios
comanditados responden en forma subsidiaria, ilimitada y solidaria por las ... - 21k - Cached - Similar pages
She is that in which one or several comanditados partners respond in subsidiary, limitless and shared in common form by the social obligations, and one or several comanditados partners respond in subsidiary, limitless form and shared in common by social obligations and one or several silent partners they have the responsibility limited the amount of the actions that have subscribed, in the same form that the shareholders of a joint-stock company. Code of Commerce 195 articles 10 and.
The contributions must be represented by actions.
Sociedad en comandita por acciones. Es la sociedad que tiene dos categorías de
socios: comanditados y comanditarios. La primera, responde por las ... - 29k - Cached - Similar pages
Sociedad En Comandita por Acciones - [ Translate this page ]
SOCIEDAD EN COMANDITA POR ACCIONES. Es aquella en la cual uno o varios socios
comanditados responden en forma subsidiaria, ilimitada y solidaria por las ... - 21k - Cached - Similar pages
She is that in which one or several comanditados partners respond in subsidiary, limitless and shared in common form by the social obligations, and one or several comanditados partners respond in subsidiary, limitless form and shared in common by social obligations and one or several silent partners they have the responsibility limited the amount of the actions that have subscribed, in the same form that the shareholders of a joint-stock company. Code of Commerce 195 articles 10 and.
The contributions must be represented by actions.
Peer comment(s):
disagree |
Mariela Malanij
: the use of 'actions' in this context is simply wrong. Phillipe, I think there are better ways to express this concept. See Smarttrans or Alejandra's answers.
1 hr
this type of company does not exist in UK or US... And that's the way it is expressed. But, fair enough...
5 hrs
Translator's note
Hi Patluc,
You should put the word in italics and include a translator's note: it is a subdivision of the limited partnership, but its most distictive feature is that the contributions of capital of the limited partners are represented and divided into shares. There is no equivalent to it in Angloamerican Law. Source: Diccionario Bilingue de terminología jurídica. Patricia Mazzuco.
My 2 cents, Alejandra
You should put the word in italics and include a translator's note: it is a subdivision of the limited partnership, but its most distictive feature is that the contributions of capital of the limited partners are represented and divided into shares. There is no equivalent to it in Angloamerican Law. Source: Diccionario Bilingue de terminología jurídica. Patricia Mazzuco.
My 2 cents, Alejandra
17 hrs
a partnership with limited liability
a partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry out a business for profit. When one or more partners have limited liability (restricted) it is a limited partnership. This is the case of the secret partner (one who takes part in management but is not known to the public) (socio comanditario).
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