Dec 22, 2006 10:55
17 yrs ago
15 viewers *
Spanish term

anemización secundaria con politransfusión

Spanish to English Medical Medical: Pharmaceuticals medical report
Ingreso en UCI en 2005 por hemorragia digestiva alta por úlcera duodenal sangrante, esclerosis endoscópica fallida, anemización secundaria con politransfusión


Proposed translations

9 mins

secondary anemia with multiple transfusions

Tempting to use "anemization" or "politransfusion," not used in English.

Note added at 15 mins (2006-12-22 11:11:11 GMT)

Typographical error. Polytransfusion, not nearly used as much as "multiple transfusions." "Anemization is also used, but rarely.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Taña Dalglish : Hepatitis A, B, CMV, EBV and HIV infections in premature and term newborn infants following polytransfusion. Not sure why the reason for "multiple"?
22 mins
The term polytransfusion exists, but it is used infrequently. The prefix "poli" denotes multiplicity.
agree smerfetka1
23 mins
agree peter mcloughlin : multiple transfusions is certainly used in UK
39 mins
Thanks Peter :).
agree Egmont
43 mins
Thank you.
disagree Silvia Brandon-Pérez : Interesting that with all the medical links to polytransfusion, you can make such a statement...
50 mins
Doing dome math, looking up both terms in common search engines yahoo and google, there were 82 and 555 links for polytranfusions, and 366,000 and 1,300,000 for multiple transfusions respectively. The term does exist, it just by far not as commonly used.
agree Dr Sue Levy (X) : right Carlos, as a native English speaker and doctor I would not use "polytransfusion"
2 hrs
Thanks Sue :).
agree Alvaro Aliaga : I agree with you Dr. Umaña. Obviously you are proposing what is most commonly used and that's something only daily medical practice will show you.
4 hrs
Thank you :).
agree María Isabel Estévez (maisa)
2 days 10 hrs
Gracias! Feliz Navidad :).
agree Roxanna Delgado
4 days
Muchas gracias :)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
7 mins

secondary anaemia with polytransfusion

As a secondary consideration, the fiscal costs of tion as a measure of total red cell mass, ... overloaded following polytransfusion; in one British ... Anemia Part 1.pdf

Note added at 51 mins (2006-12-22 11:47:30 GMT)

Surgery leads to an activation of peripheral blood lymphocytes, which is inhibited by polytransfusion.

Only polytransfusion showed more than a borderline value to predict HAV syndrome. ... The only likely risk factor is polytransfusion.MeSH Terms ...

306 children who received polytransfusion or exchange transfusion between 1979 and 1983 and 104 age-matched controls were re-examined at a median age of 2.9 ... - 9k - Supplemental Result -

Influence of Polytransfusion on the Increment of the Platelet. Count in Patients. In order to study the influence of polytransfusion, we divided ...

The presence of HGV does not seem to be associated with a liver disease or any other pathology, but appears highly related to polytransfusion ... -

Note added at 59 mins (2006-12-22 11:54:51 GMT)

Chronic red blood cell transfusion support in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) is often necessary but may cause hemosiderosis and its consequences. The pathophysiologic effects of iron overload relate to increased non-transferrin bound iron generating toxic oxygen free radicals. Studies in patients with MDS and thalassemia major have shown adverse clinical effects of chronic iron overload on cardiac function in patients who underwent polytransfusion.
Peer comment(s):

agree Taña Dalglish : Agree. Link that supports use of word polytransfusion - 49k - Cached - More from this site
18 mins
Gracias mil, niña; me voy a dormir. Allá el 'asker' que decida.
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