Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

registro sanitario

English translation:

sanitary registration

Added to glossary by Robert INGLEDEW
Feb 17, 2002 04:40
23 yrs ago
54 viewers *
Spanish term

registro sanitario

Spanish to English Other Governmental regulations to allow certain kind of products to go into the market
This is the text where it appears:
"ARTICULO 17. REQUISITOS. El INVIMA otorgará el registro sanitario de los productos cosméticos fabricados en el país...."

Proposed translations

10 mins

sanitary registration

ARTICLE 17. REQUIREMENTS. The INVIMA shall grant the sanitary registration of the cosmetic products manufactured in the country...

Peer comment(s):

agree Kathryn Guttromson : I found an example on where the product's INVIMA Sanitary Registration Number is listed.
36 mins
Thank you, and thank you for your research!
agree Lrodela
3 hrs
Gracias Lrodela
agree Nikki Graham
4 hrs
Thank you, Nikki.
agree AndrewBM
5 hrs
Thank you, Andrew
agree Rafa Lombardino
6 hrs
Gracias, Rafaela.
agree Alisu S-G
9 hrs
Gracias, Alisú
agree jmf (X)
9 hrs
gracias, jmf
agree Regina Motta
10 hrs
Gracias, Motta.
agree Silvia Borges : Yes, and here is another site to prove it.
10 hrs
Thank you, and thank you for your reference.
agree Marisa Pavan
11 hrs
Gracias, Maripa.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement. KudoZ."
8 hrs

health report

this is a report that indicates the safety of products before they are put on the market.
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22 hrs

Sanitary registry - approval

INVIMA is the Colombian equivalent of the FDA in the U.S. The whole Article would read "Article 17. Requirements: Invima wil grant the sanitary registry (approval) to the cosmetic products manufactured domestically (or in the country of origin if you are referring to imports into Colombia)
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