Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

cocina de autor

English translation:

signature cuisine

Added to glossary by José Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X)
Jun 14, 2003 23:54
21 yrs ago
25 viewers *
Spanish term

cocina de autor

Non-PRO Spanish to English Other
This is a restaurant guide for Lima. The first lines says "Esta guía pretende ser una selección de restaurantes donde hallará lo que se conoce como cocina de autor."
Proposed translations (English)
4 +8 creative cuisine
4 +4 Nouvelle cuisine
5 +1 signature cuisine
4 -1 author's cookbook

Proposed translations

23 mins

creative cuisine

After having done some more research of my own, it would seem "nouvelle cuisine" and "cocina de autor" are not the same thing. "Cocina de autor" means something like "creative cuisine" (see brief extract below).

"By his late 20s, he had won the Vitoria Certamen de Cocina de Autor (creative cuisine competition), and took over a restaurant called La Broche."

Note added at 2003-06-15 00:21:03 (GMT)

Another confirmation that it appears to be \"creative cuisine\":

\"The second \'Cocina de Autor\' or \'Creative Cuisine\' gastronomic festival is to take place between 26th November and 1st December at the popular El Lago ...\"

Note added at 2003-06-15 00:24:55 (GMT)

Here\'s an extract from a Spanish article that clearly shows Nouvelle Cuisine and \"cocina de autor\" are not the same. But it also shows clearly that \"cocina de autor\" is definitely a kind of cuisine.

\"En este circo, el chiste fácil es más importante que la imaginación y el rigor cotidiano. Se habla sin parar dictando cátedra sin filosofía. Se entremezcla todo, como en la cocina de fusión, para crear confusión. La confusión es decirle a la gente que hemos pasado de la Nouvelle Cuisine a la Cocina de Autor. ¡Qué inmensa mentira! Tan interesada por los que la predican. Es como decir que todo quien hace pintura cubista es un Picasso. Es como aseverar que cualquier marca de moda crea diseño.\"
Peer comment(s):

agree Oso (X) : Hola Rowan ¶:^) De acuerdo ¶:^)
34 mins
Hola Oso. :-) Muchas gracias.
agree P Forgas
56 mins
Gracias P.
disagree Juan Pintado : Ok, but most people in Spain use "nouvelle cuisine" referring to creative cuisine...
2 hrs
We're talking about South American usage, not Spanish. I think a "neutral" would have been more appropriate than a "disagree" for this comment.
agree colemh
3 hrs
Thanks colemh.
agree ACCURATE77 : You really did your homework, and your research proves you right! Howeve, Spanish includes not only Spaniards (the correct proper adjective for people from Spain, but also for people and counrtries from South America!
4 hrs
Thanks for that, and yes I know Spanish is spoken throughout most of South America (bar Brazil, where they speak Portuguese). In my comment to anti1970, I meant South American Spanish vs. "Spanish" (i.e. spoken in Spain) Spanish.
agree roneill : This is a great discussion. We are getting into PC and language police territory though.
4 hrs
Thanks Rónat. The main thing for me is that the two terms "nouvelle cuisine" and "creative cuisine" seem to be a little different, and that "cocina de autor" refers to the latter.
agree Gordana Podvezanec
7 hrs
Thanks Gordana.
agree Sarah Ponting : yes, "creative cuisine" is translated in a very similar way in Italian too ("cucina d'autore")
7 hrs
Interesting. Thanks for that Sarah.
agree Sheilann : Cocina de autor depends on the style on one particular chef. Nouvell cuisine began as a trend towards "healthier" ingredients.
8 hrs
Thanks for that info, Sheila.
agree Ino66 (X)
1 day 7 hrs
Thanks Ino66.
Something went wrong...
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
1 min

author's cookbook


Note added at 2003-06-14 23:57:18 (GMT)

Oxford Dictionary

ocina f
1 (habitación) kitchen; armario/mesa de cocina kitchen cupboard/table; ella lleva la cocina
y el marido el bar she does the cooking and her husband runs the bar
2 (aparato) stove, range (AmE), cooker (BrE)

cocina de or a gas gas stove o range o cooker
cocina económica range
cocina eléctrica electric stove o range o cooker

3 (arte) cookery; la cocina vasca Basque cuisine o cookery; libro de cocina cookbook,
cookery book (BrE); curso de cocina cookery course
4 (Ven fam) (en un avión) tail; (en un autobús) back

Note added at 2003-06-14 23:59:31 (GMT)

Qué rica la comida peruana - viví en Lima hace mucho y me encantó la comida. También mi primera esposa (por 18 años hasta fallecer) era peruana, y me parece que no hay mejor comida en ninguna parte del mundo (claro, no conozco toda la comida ni todo el mundo y tengo mis prejuicios en cuanto a la cocina).

Mike :)
Peer comment(s):

disagree Rowan Morrell : Not correct in this context. Cocina here means "cuisine".
22 mins
Bueno, gracias, Rowan, no sabía que se usa "autor" como "cuisine". Saludos - Mike :)
neutral ACCURATE77 : I think you are getting a little confused here. Rowan and others just say that cosina is the equivalent of cousine and not of author. The Spanish [adjectivized] noun autor is being translated as "creative," as Mr. Morrell demonstrates! ;-)
4 hrs
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12 mins

Nouvelle cuisine

A French term widely used in Spanish. I think it is pretty close to "cocina de autor".
Peer comment(s):

agree Rowan Morrell : Seems more likely in this context.
3 mins
agree Michael Powers (PhD) : Bueno, gracias, Rowan, no sabía que se usa "autor" como "cuisine". Saludos - Mike :)
16 mins
agree roneill : Interesante
4 hrs
neutral ACCURATE77 : Esa frase podria ser el equivalente, excepto que usa un galicismo. Well, the Germans and the French, say that English languaage is a German badly spoken, and the French say that it a French badly-spoken. English has even taken Spanish and Italian words!
4 hrs
agree XXX XXX : totalmente de acuerdo para el público en España :-)
12 hrs
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17 hrs

signature cuisine


It is late and it has been graded but this is the option we use at Le Cordon Bleu.


Peer comment(s):

agree Ino66 (X)
13 hrs
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