Translation glossary: Medical Terminology English<>Greek

Showing entries 1,501-1,550 of 1,576
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MAP (maladie artérielle périphérique)peripheral arterial disease
French to English
English to Greek
French to English
French to English
migration lithiasiquelithiasis migration
French to English
migration lithiasiquelithiasis migration
French to English
mise en évidencedetection
French to English
mise en évidencedetection
French to English
MRminimal response
English to Greek
MRminimal response
English to Greek
Multiple Endocrine NeoplasiaΠολλαπλή Ενδοκρινής Νεοπλασία
English to Greek
Multiple Endocrine NeoplasiaΠολλαπλή Ενδοκρινής Νεοπλασία
English to Greek
needle hubΠλήμνη βελόνας 
English to Greek
off-alignment infrastructureinfrastructures en dehors de l'alignement
English to French
off-alignment infrastructureinfrastructures en dehors de l'alignement
English to French
oophorectomyωοφορεκτομή / ωοθηκεκτομή
English to Greek
oophorectomyωοφορεκτομή / ωοθηκεκτομή
English to Greek
OVSOphthalmology and Visual Sciences / ophtalomologie et sciences visuelles
English to French
OVSOphthalmology and Visual Sciences / ophtalomologie et sciences visuelles
English to French
PAG = PAG oil (Polyalkylene Glycol)PAG = huile PAG (polyalkylène glycol)
English to French
PAG = PAG oil (Polyalkylene Glycol)PAG = huile PAG (polyalkylène glycol)
English to French
PCEAPatient-Controlled Epidural Analgesia (or Anesthesia)
French to English
PCEAPatient-Controlled Epidural Analgesia (or Anesthesia)
French to English
English to Greek
English to Greek
PN (poids de naissance)birth weight
French to English
PN (poids de naissance)birth weight
French to English
ponction évacuatriceparacentesis
French to English
ponction évacuatriceparacentesis
French to English
PSH (périarthrite scapulo-humérale)acute painful shoulder
French to English
PSH (périarthrite scapulo-humérale)acute painful shoulder
French to English
PSISοπίσθια άνω λαγόνιος άκανθα [posterior superior iliac spines (PSIS)]
English to Greek
PSISοπίσθια άνω λαγόνιος άκανθα [posterior superior iliac spines (PSIS)]
English to Greek
pupilles isocoresisocoric pupils
French to English
pupilles isocoresisocoric pupils
French to English
q8q8 semaines (toutes les 8 semaines)
English to French
RADIODIAG RD THORAX RAPradiodiagnostic RD (absorbed radiation dose) thorax RAP (right atrial pressure)
French to English
RADIODIAG RD THORAX RAPradiodiagnostic RD (absorbed radiation dose) thorax RAP (right atrial pressure)
French to English
recurrent spontaneous abortionsκαθ\' έξιν αποβολές
English to Greek
recurrent spontaneous abortionsκαθ\' έξιν αποβολές
English to Greek
Risk-Reducing Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy (RR-BSO)Προφυλακτική Σαλπιγγο-Ωοθηκεκτομή
English to Greek
Risk-Reducing Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy (RR-BSO)Προφυλακτική Σαλπιγγο-Ωοθηκεκτομή
English to Greek
safety i.v. cannula with catheter & injection valveΕνδοφλέβιος καθετήρας Ασφαλείας με Βαλβίδα Έγχυσης 
English to Greek
SCM = section de cure médicale (SCM)Medical Care Section / Medical Centre
French to English
SCM = section de cure médicale (SCM)Medical Care Section / Medical Centre
French to English
screeningπροσυμπτωματικός (/προληπτικός) έλεγχος
English to Greek
screeningπροσυμπτωματικός (/προληπτικός) έλεγχος
English to Greek
French to English
French to English
soins systématiquesroutine care
French to English
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