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EBU format not compatible with Subtitle Workshop
Thread poster: Thierry Renon
jbjb  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:13
Estonian to English
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EBU Jul 29, 2008

Yes, the teletext .STL file is usually referred to as "Simplified EBU" and is basically the same .STL format, it only has fewer features and can be read by programmes that get confused with things like raising subtitles, different colours etc

Basically there are three subtitle formats in Europe.
.STL or EBU (not the Spruce file)
.890 or ScanTitling/Cavena
.pac or Screen

You can be 99% certain that all of the subtitling companies in Europe can open and
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Yes, the teletext .STL file is usually referred to as "Simplified EBU" and is basically the same .STL format, it only has fewer features and can be read by programmes that get confused with things like raising subtitles, different colours etc

Basically there are three subtitle formats in Europe.
.STL or EBU (not the Spruce file)
.890 or ScanTitling/Cavena
.pac or Screen

You can be 99% certain that all of the subtitling companies in Europe can open and read one of those formats, even if they use a different software (e.g. SDI has in-house PMWin that reads both .pac and .890). These files preserve information about subtitle placement on screen (raising, centering and so on), italics etc etc so that all professional subtitling software usually read them properly.

None of these three files can be properly created with free subtitling software (SW or any other). There might be some free conversion tools available but these usually don't allow timecoding or changing the timecode.
If you know of any free software that can handle these three file formats, pray share your information

Ioana Daia
Ioana Daia  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:13
Spanish to Romanian
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free software Aug 10, 2008

I agree with jbjb, I haven't seen yet any free software doing that, but the information would be valuable... I have bought EZtitles, because I'm also doing the time-cueing part.
About the first message in the thread, I think I did see a file like that and didn't manage to open it correctly, but it was some time ago, and anyway it didn't really bother me, because in Romania we have quite a diffent standard in timecueing than the one used for english subtitles.

Thierry Renon
Thierry Renon  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:13
Member (2005)
English to French
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Thank you all! Apr 16, 2009

I've just realised I haven't thanked all the last contributors for their helpful comments. And I realize I was wrong to call it EBU, basically I meant the format of the text file I was provided with (for translation) wasn't read by SW... Thanks to your contributions, I managed to do a "Search and Replace" and make it "readable" (it's ONLY for reviewing purposes, as Ioana said, I'd really need to buy a proper subtitling software if I wanted to fiddle with the time-codes, etc. (I realize there is ... See more
I've just realised I haven't thanked all the last contributors for their helpful comments. And I realize I was wrong to call it EBU, basically I meant the format of the text file I was provided with (for translation) wasn't read by SW... Thanks to your contributions, I managed to do a "Search and Replace" and make it "readable" (it's ONLY for reviewing purposes, as Ioana said, I'd really need to buy a proper subtitling software if I wanted to fiddle with the time-codes, etc. (I realize there is more to the code than what you can see on a simple .txt file).

Are you happy with EZTitles Ioana? I used to use Win2020, which I liked (maybe because I'm familiar with), I think it's called Poliscript now. Difficult to find informations about prices, etc. though and compare all the subtitling software on offer!

Thank you again for all your comments, very helpful!

Ioana Daia
Ioana Daia  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:13
Spanish to Romanian
+ ...
EZtitles Apr 21, 2009

I used to work on Win2020. I did that for about 6 years, then we had the new version, it's called Poliscript, exactly. Nice program, but difficult to run on a normal computer, without the special keyboard.
Switching to EZT was actually a nice experience for me, althogh the main reason I had for buying it was the idea of working from home. It has the same options as Poliscript, there is only one that I miss (the time overwrite works differently and I rather not use it). But it definitely ha
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I used to work on Win2020. I did that for about 6 years, then we had the new version, it's called Poliscript, exactly. Nice program, but difficult to run on a normal computer, without the special keyboard.
Switching to EZT was actually a nice experience for me, althogh the main reason I had for buying it was the idea of working from home. It has the same options as Poliscript, there is only one that I miss (the time overwrite works differently and I rather not use it). But it definitely has improvements - it can work with the spellcheck from Word, for instance. I also appreciate their customer support service, very quick and helpful. I think they have a demo version and you can test the full program if interested.
And after 2 years on EZT, I'm rather annoyed when I switch back to Poliscript from time to time. I miss the ezt' features, the sound analysis and some other possibilities.
If you have any specific question, don't hesitate to ask.
Good luck !

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EBU format not compatible with Subtitle Workshop

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