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Poll: Do you communicate with your family members in more than one language?
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Alice Bootman
Alice Bootman  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 00:54
Spanish to English
+ ...
Yes Oct 18, 2008

As I am from the US and my husband is Bolivian, we speak both English and Spanish, depending on whether we are with his family or mine - both live here in Bolivia. I try to only speak to our children in English but sometimes I feel very awkward in front of his non-English speaking family members and switch to Spanish. In front of just the kids, my husband and I both try to speak only our native languages - makes for some very interesting conversation!

We also are learning a bit of Q
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As I am from the US and my husband is Bolivian, we speak both English and Spanish, depending on whether we are with his family or mine - both live here in Bolivia. I try to only speak to our children in English but sometimes I feel very awkward in front of his non-English speaking family members and switch to Spanish. In front of just the kids, my husband and I both try to speak only our native languages - makes for some very interesting conversation!

We also are learning a bit of Quechua and try to practice with his parents, aunts, uncles, etc., who are native speakers.

Dinny  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:54
Italian to Danish
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Different language for each daughter Oct 18, 2008

With my eldest daughter I only speak Italian because she has forgotten quite a lot of her Danish, with my youngest I only speak Danish, because she has forgotten quite a lot of her Italian. And it's funny to hear the two of them speaking together... they are really struggling to communicate!

Local time: 07:54
Spanish to Italian
+ ...
Yes Oct 18, 2008

I speak Italian with my family and Spanish with my partner. Sometimes he gets annoyed because he would like me to talk more Italian to him -he is a bit too lazy to do a course but it sounds very unnatural to me... Except when we are in Italy, of course. There, it is much easier to switch to Italian with him. So, for me it depends on the person but, to a large extent, also on the place.
I'm also curious about what will happen
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I speak Italian with my family and Spanish with my partner. Sometimes he gets annoyed because he would like me to talk more Italian to him -he is a bit too lazy to do a course but it sounds very unnatural to me... Except when we are in Italy, of course. There, it is much easier to switch to Italian with him. So, for me it depends on the person but, to a large extent, also on the place.
I'm also curious about what will happen when we will have a baby...
And I agree that we don't have to feel guilty if we can't always speak our native language to our children. I think it is impossible to "force" someone to learn another language and feel attracted to another culture. You can try to encourage him/her to learn, but the other person’s motivation is also important.

Local time: 02:54
English to German
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A nice mix Oct 18, 2008

It really depends who is around but we juggle
German - French - Spanish - Arabic - English

David Brown
David Brown  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:54
Spanish to English
No Oct 18, 2008

Like the majority, I replied "no"
My native language is English, my wife and her family are Spanish, we live in Spain so Spanish is all we speak at home.
I have several English-speaking friends who I see now again. and English is always spoken, but when my wife is with me or other Spanish friends in the group, Spanish is the language.

Serena Warlu (X)
Serena Warlu (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:54
French to English
English until my daughter started school in France. Oct 18, 2008

I am English, living in France.

I made a huge effort to speak English to my daughter from the moment she was born, even though it felt very odd in the French maternity hopital. When she was learning to talk I repeated everything back to her in English. If she said, "Veux boire" I replied, "You want a drink?"

It all fell apart when she started learning to read in French at school. I felt it was just too confusing for her. Now she is ten and we are trying to speak more E
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I am English, living in France.

I made a huge effort to speak English to my daughter from the moment she was born, even though it felt very odd in the French maternity hopital. When she was learning to talk I repeated everything back to her in English. If she said, "Veux boire" I replied, "You want a drink?"

It all fell apart when she started learning to read in French at school. I felt it was just too confusing for her. Now she is ten and we are trying to speak more English at home. We always speak English when we are with my family, except when I am angry. Then, nomatter how hard I try, I always find I am speaking French.

Ballistic  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:54
English to Dutch
+ ...
German, French and English Oct 18, 2008

Yes, German to my two boys when I give them orders, it's more effective
Yes, French to my wife when we don't want our boys to understand what is being said.
Yes, English with my boys when they ask me a question about multimedia issues...

But we all normally speak Dutch.

Judy Almodovar
Judy Almodovar
Local time: 07:54
English to Tagalog
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Yes and in Five languages Oct 18, 2008

Yes, since I have a 3 native languages, I speak with my two sons with Italian, English, Tagalog and Ilocano and only Italian and Tagalog with my husband. While my husband speak with me and with the kids in Italian and Napolitano dialect (esp. when we are with my husband's family). But every time my husband speaks in Napolitano, I always remind him to speak Italian because it is better for the kids, so that they will get used more on Italian language than in dialect. I and the kids, we speak more... See more
Yes, since I have a 3 native languages, I speak with my two sons with Italian, English, Tagalog and Ilocano and only Italian and Tagalog with my husband. While my husband speak with me and with the kids in Italian and Napolitano dialect (esp. when we are with my husband's family). But every time my husband speaks in Napolitano, I always remind him to speak Italian because it is better for the kids, so that they will get used more on Italian language than in dialect. I and the kids, we speak more on Italian in a daily conversation but when I had to talk with them in a heart to hearth talk or manner and some sort of disciplinary & comments, I prefer to speak with them in Tagalog or in Ilocano because for me it is easier and sweetier to talk with them naturally and very effective on their side. And we speak in English and Taglish (as usual in the Philippines) when we are with my family and friends around the globe. : )Collapse

Irina Stevanovic
Irina Stevanovic  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:54
Serbo-Croat to English
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feeling sorry about that Oct 18, 2008

I was born in Serbia (former Yugoslavia), but the first language I started talking was Russian. My gradnparents moved to Serbia from Russia after the I World War and I was brought up in their presence. As I was growing up , I started talking Russian because I felt different from other children. and refused speaking Russian, Now, my grandparent and my father gone and feel sorry for not knowing the language of my ancestors and cannot teach my children

Giovanna Lester
Giovanna Lester  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 01:54
Portuguese to English
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Do we ever! Oct 18, 2008

I am Brazilian and my husband only speaks English. He still remembers some Spanish from highschool, but only loose words.

Our children speak 4 languages each - they also caught the bug, what can I do? So, you can come into my house and hear Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French and English at any time. My daughter studies French and my son speaks Italian. There are times when we speak in many different languages at one time just for fun- my husband has a quirk sense of humor and adds
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I am Brazilian and my husband only speaks English. He still remembers some Spanish from highschool, but only loose words.

Our children speak 4 languages each - they also caught the bug, what can I do? So, you can come into my house and hear Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French and English at any time. My daughter studies French and my son speaks Italian. There are times when we speak in many different languages at one time just for fun- my husband has a quirk sense of humor and adds in gibberish - this one he commands very well!

It is a lot of fun!

Olga Prisekina-Olrichs
Olga Prisekina-Olrichs  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:54
English to Russian
+ ...
Yes Oct 18, 2008

I speak English to my husband, Russian to my daugthers and sometimes a bit of Dutch, my husbad speaks English to me and Dutch and English to our daughters. So we have three active languages in a normal everyday conversation.

[Edited at 2008-10-18 18:13]

Yassen Tounev
Yassen Tounev  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:54
English to Bulgarian
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Yes Oct 18, 2008

Yes, Bulgarian and Russian. I am a native bilingual - 50% Russian and 50% Bulgarian, my wife is Russian. So we have two official languages in our family, but recently we speak more Russian between us, and we speak Bulgarian to our daughter. She speaks Russian too, but prefers Bulgarian - it is easier for her.

[Edited at 2008-10-18 18:50]

Lorenia Rincon
Lorenia Rincon  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:54
English to Spanish
+ ...
Spanish, English and "F" Oct 18, 2008

Catherine Shepherd wrote:

It will be very interesting!! It's the spice of life! Think how boring a monolingual family would be

Yes! I am Mexican.

I speak English and Spanish to my oldest daughter who grew up in the USA, some English and mostly Spanish to my 2 youngest daughters who are learning English, French and some Chinese at school; but I plan to increase the use of English at home.

Only Spanish with my husband.

It is never boring! my oldest daughter and I use the Mexican version of pig latin but in English, we use souds with and "f" and mix it with the sylables; quite confusing if you don´t know what we are doing, we do this when we do not want my youngest daughters to understand. For example, instead of saying "carpenter" we would say: "ca-far-pe-fen-tefer".

Mariam Osmann
Mariam Osmann
Local time: 08:54
Member (2007)
English to Arabic
+ ...
According to family mood Oct 19, 2008

We are all native of Arabic, used to express anger feeling in US English (like the films we watch all the day) and French for good mood or fun moments.

Caroline Rösler
Caroline Rösler  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:54
English to German
+ ...
Yes, Spanish and German Oct 19, 2008

At home I speak Spanish with my husband and try to speak all the time in German to my children (2 and 5 years old). If the conversation involves the four of us it becomes difficult to strictly speak German all the time with my children as they already know how to make the best out of that situation. This is why I use to switch into Spanish when it gets complicated to avoid to have to explain all the time what happens or happened.
My mother who lives with us in Chile only speaks German to
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At home I speak Spanish with my husband and try to speak all the time in German to my children (2 and 5 years old). If the conversation involves the four of us it becomes difficult to strictly speak German all the time with my children as they already know how to make the best out of that situation. This is why I use to switch into Spanish when it gets complicated to avoid to have to explain all the time what happens or happened.
My mother who lives with us in Chile only speaks German to everybody what becomes complicated to me as I have to work a lot interpreting and the rest of the family frequently does not understand the difference between what I said and what she said (even if I mark it).
And last but not least I, sometimes, use the 'other' language to avoid that third ears understand a private conversation between two or three of us....

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Poll: Do you communicate with your family members in more than one language?

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