Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Feb 13 '03 fra>eng bourses calculated based on the average share price of the 20 days prior to the 'test' day pro closed ok
- Feb 12 '03 fra>eng Provisions pour dépreciation du portefeuille devenues dans objet write back of portfolio provisions no longer required pro closed ok
4 Dec 11 '02 fra>eng réunion de pilotage steering committee meeting pro closed ok
4 Nov 14 '02 fra>eng es-qualité in its official capacity pro closed ok
- Nov 13 '02 fra>eng dotations dérogatoires exceptional provisions pro closed ok
4 Nov 13 '02 fra>eng double dépendance hiérarchique a dual reporting line pro closed ok
- Nov 13 '02 fra>eng dotations aux provisions provisions pro closed ok
2 Nov 13 '02 fra>eng autres postes d\'immobilisations incorporelles Other intangible assets pro closed no
4 Nov 13 '02 fra>eng dans des conditions mystérieuses in mysterious circumstances pro closed ok
3 Nov 13 '02 fra>eng rectifications de périmètre changes in scope pro closed no
3 Nov 13 '02 fra>eng électriciens electricity producers pro closed no
- Nov 12 '02 fra>eng Les rapports entre les deux époux changent, ils au cours de l’histoire? Does the nature of the relationship between the couple change... easy closed no
4 Oct 25 '02 fra>eng suivi comptable financial analysis pro closed no
3 Sep 20 '02 fra>eng suivre le délivrable monitor deliverables pro closed ok
- Sep 19 '02 eng>eng to be enforced by an outsider AND has to be... pro closed ok
- Sep 16 '02 fra>eng chiffre d’affaires escompté afférent anticipated accrued sales (or turnover) pro closed ok
- Sep 13 '02 fra>eng Renseignements sur l'affection qui est à l'origine de l'absence du salarié information regarding the illness causing the employee's absence easy closed no
4 Sep 3 '02 fra>eng sur cette somme, tu nous as verse' $13.000 puis 6 millions of this amount, you have paid us $13,000 followed by $6 million easy closed no
4 Aug 30 '02 fra>eng palier increments pro closed no
4 Aug 29 '02 fra>eng en fil d'exercice at the year end easy closed no
4 Aug 13 '02 fra>eng VM extérieure ventes médicaments = sales of medicines pro closed no
- Aug 12 '02 fra>eng à périmètre constant At constant consolidation scope pro closed ok
- May 29 '02 fra>eng eau de gamme the top drop easy closed no
- May 17 '02 fra>eng peau déchiffrée understanding the skin pro closed ok
- May 16 '02 fra>eng La consommation hors domicile meals taken outside the home pro closed ok
4 May 12 '02 fra>eng service fait service rendered pro closed no
4 Apr 12 '02 fra>eng Peche au gros big-game fishing pro closed ok
4 Apr 11 '02 fra>eng Vierge Orante the praying Virgin pro closed no
4 Apr 11 '02 fra>eng titres mis en équivalence Investments in associates pro closed no
- Apr 3 '02 fra>eng taux d’auto-approvisionnement self-funding rate pro closed ok
- Mar 21 '02 fra>eng Les médias s'inscrivent en tête des progressions Strongest growth is being seen in the media sector. pro closed ok
- Feb 25 '02 eng>eng delivery agreement service level agreement easy closed no
- Feb 24 '02 fra>eng robinet 'on-tap' issues pro closed no
- Feb 24 '02 fra>eng rétrocéderons reimburse pro closed no
- Feb 22 '02 fra>eng gère la pénurie XX maintains a deliberate tight supply chain policy, producing only limited numbers of each item pro closed ok
- Feb 22 '02 fra>eng capter les marges finales marges fines???? pro closed no
- Feb 22 '02 fra>eng indistincte manufacturing policy varies according to the product type - ... pro closed no
4 Feb 22 '02 fra>eng une cotation ferme d’underwriting ...a guaranteed (or binding) underwriting price of xx .... pro closed no
- Feb 22 '02 fra>eng la pente de crédit Given the low volatility of the credit yield curve slope for maturities between 5 and7 years, ... pro closed ok
3 Feb 22 '02 fra>eng d’attribution du mandat ... between the date on which the mandate was granted and the issue date. pro closed no
2 Feb 21 '02 fra>eng signature endorsement/approval/agreement/ pro closed no
4 Feb 20 '02 fra>eng des conditions privilégiées advantageous terms.. pro closed no
- Feb 19 '02 fra>eng gestion sous mandat discretionary managed clients pro closed ok
- Feb 18 '02 fra>eng ensemble cohérent de dispositifs et de structures France has developed a complete system of measures and facilities ... pro closed no
- Feb 18 '02 fra>eng dans le cadre de l'Union Européene in accordance with European Union policy pro closed no
4 Feb 15 '02 fra>eng faire preuve d'une assiduité et d'un esprit d'initiative remarquables ... demonstrated outstanding perseverance and initiative pro closed ok
- Jan 31 '02 fra>eng La Cour des Comptes Government Accounting Office pro closed no
- Jan 31 '02 fra>eng attention attentioncette phrase est pour vous read carefully - this ad concerns you easy closed no
4 Jan 28 '02 fra>eng charger la barque ... to raise the maximum possible amount of restructuring provisions and ... pro closed no
2 Jan 28 '02 fra>eng reprises de provisions d’exploitation ...and a decrease in the amount of operating provisions pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered