Can't login to cross web-urgent
Thread poster: Hannah Burrow
Hannah Burrow
Hannah Burrow  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 05:40
French to English
+ ...
Nov 13, 2012


I'm using cross web for the first time on a new translation project.

I'm having problems logging in. I try to log in and it says "Closing previous session. Please wait..."

Any ideas as to why this might be?

I can't contact Across support as it is the translation agency which is providing me access to the software.



Kai Döring
Kai Döring  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:40
Member (2007)
English to German
+ ...
Restart may help?! Nov 13, 2012

Did you already try to restart your computer?

This message is displayed after you entered your password or when you try to retrieve the tasks?

Hannah Burrow
Hannah Burrow  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 05:40
French to English
+ ...
already restarted Nov 13, 2012

Yep I restarted already

The message doesn't appear when I try to retrieve tasks but when I actually try to login to the software...

Kai Döring
Kai Döring  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:40
Member (2007)
English to German
+ ...
same login for different users Nov 13, 2012

Did you check if your client is using the same username for different users? This sounds actually like a message from the clients server.

Were you able to log in previously or would this be the first time?

Åsa Campbell
Åsa Campbell  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:10
English to Swedish
Contact your client Nov 13, 2012

I am with Kai, it sounds like a message from the server so you will need to contact your client for help. I've had similar problems in the past and it has always been an issue with the server.


Hannah Burrow
Hannah Burrow  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 05:40
French to English
+ ...
Thanks-client contacted Nov 13, 2012

Thanks-in the end I did contact the client and it turned out that Across was temporarily down, though it seems to be working ok now.

First of all they did have several users logging in with the same username but they figured out that that doesn't work and changed it pretty quickly!


Kai Döring
Kai Döring  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:40
Member (2007)
English to German
+ ...
Everytime good if the client made a mistake Nov 14, 2012

Good to hear that it got resolved and the client was to 'blame'

shirley damazo
shirley damazo  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:40
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Failed to login to crossWeb. Aug 17, 2018

I have tried everything included here and support but still cannot login. Had to exclude Avast but still nothing. Waste of time for a simple login. Please is there any updated info on this issue?

Russian Federation
Nice try! Aug 17, 2018

First of all they did have several users logging in with the same username

...which is illegal

shirley damazo
Ivana Bojcic
Ivana Bojcic  Identity Verified
Member (2011)
German to Croatian
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Hello 2024 Feb 14

Not only does the persisting error continue to plague us in 2024, but Across software remains one of the most cumbersome and frustrating tools to work with. Its installation data file is risky, the app is HUGE in size, while its performance is sluggish at best. Over the years, we've seen an influx of poorly designed interfaces and illogical placement of function buttons across various CAT tools (memoQ especially, for example). However, Across truly takes the cake. I think I speak in name of us a... See more
Not only does the persisting error continue to plague us in 2024, but Across software remains one of the most cumbersome and frustrating tools to work with. Its installation data file is risky, the app is HUGE in size, while its performance is sluggish at best. Over the years, we've seen an influx of poorly designed interfaces and illogical placement of function buttons across various CAT tools (memoQ especially, for example). However, Across truly takes the cake. I think I speak in name of us all when I say every time I launch this programme, I feel like I'm launching a nuclear missile. Horrible.
I hope the industry opts for software solutions that enhance the entire translation industry supply chain, these software issues are impacting productivity for worse.

Russian Federation
Frustration... Feb 19

Hello Ivana,

Do not pay for using the product - check.
Make money using the product - check.
Support violation of license rights on the side of the LSP you work for - check.
Suffer from incorrect project and product settings due to LSP incompetence - check.
Complaint on forums - check.

I prefer working with the product, contacting Support in case of issues, talk to LSP in case of questions.


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Can't login to cross web-urgent

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