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Off topic: missed bit of 'the fellowship of the ring' film.
Thread poster: sergey (X)
sergey (X)
sergey (X)
Local time: 12:46
Russian to English
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May 1, 2005

i am not sure if i am allowed to ask this here and if anyone else watched it.

there was this film on ch4 last nite that i was watching and i missed the part (i was cooking while watching) about this proto (frodo?) - the guy (hobbit ?) who would never succumb to the evil force of this ring

the missed bit - him being wounded. who? and how? and what with?

he was followed by these blackfaced (actually there was no face as such) horsemen.

and when
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i am not sure if i am allowed to ask this here and if anyone else watched it.

there was this film on ch4 last nite that i was watching and i missed the part (i was cooking while watching) about this proto (frodo?) - the guy (hobbit ?) who would never succumb to the evil force of this ring

the missed bit - him being wounded. who? and how? and what with?

he was followed by these blackfaced (actually there was no face as such) horsemen.

and when i came back, the wound was poisonous and almost killed him.
was he wounded by these no-face-only-blackness horsemen then?


Hynek Palatin
Hynek Palatin  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 13:46
English to Czech
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Synopsis May 1, 2005

Yes, Frodo was stabbed by one of the Black Riders:

Frodo sets off with three companions, fellow hobbits Merry, Pippin, and Sam. After a series of close calls and misadventures, where they are saved only by the timely intervention of the mysterious Tom Bombadil, they reach the town of Bree. The innkeeper delivers a letter from Gandalf recommending a weather-beaten Ranger known as Strider as their guide to the elves. Strider leads them cross-country, hoping to avoid the Black Riders w
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Yes, Frodo was stabbed by one of the Black Riders:

Frodo sets off with three companions, fellow hobbits Merry, Pippin, and Sam. After a series of close calls and misadventures, where they are saved only by the timely intervention of the mysterious Tom Bombadil, they reach the town of Bree. The innkeeper delivers a letter from Gandalf recommending a weather-beaten Ranger known as Strider as their guide to the elves. Strider leads them cross-country, hoping to avoid the Black Riders who are watching the Road, but they are attacked near the ancient watchtower of Weathertop. Frodo puts on the Ring, revealing himself to the Black Riders. Their leader stabs him with a blade of evil enchantment, and he nearly dies as they race for Rivendell. The Nine Riders try to force Frodo’s surrender, but a flood destroys their horses even as Frodo collapses into unconsciousness.


[Edited at 2005-05-01 22:11]

sergey (X)
sergey (X)
Local time: 12:46
Russian to English
+ ...
thank you! May 1, 2005

Hynek Palatin wrote:

Yes, Frodo was stabbed by one of the Black Riders:
Their leader stabs him with a blade of evil enchantment, and he nearly dies as they race for Rivendell. .......


[Edited at 2005-05-01 22:11]

i thought so!
i was only away from the tv-set for 3-4 minutes, and it all happened so fast, and the wound was ever so poisonous!
didn't realise the film was going to be so good! will go and rent the next 2.

Edwal Rospigliosi
Edwal Rospigliosi  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:46
English to Spanish
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Another missing scene May 1, 2005

If we can use Proz as a missing scenes service...

There was a Canadian (I think) soap opera called "Strange Paradise", I saw it dubbed in the eighties/nineties. It was about a man who had a pact with the Devil, and there was a cursed portrait in the house, that couldn't be destroyed. A lot of characters came, acted, died, and were replaced.

The thing is that I followed it for at least half a year, I was really hooked. The night of the last chapter, I followed it (almost
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If we can use Proz as a missing scenes service...

There was a Canadian (I think) soap opera called "Strange Paradise", I saw it dubbed in the eighties/nineties. It was about a man who had a pact with the Devil, and there was a cursed portrait in the house, that couldn't be destroyed. A lot of characters came, acted, died, and were replaced.

The thing is that I followed it for at least half a year, I was really hooked. The night of the last chapter, I followed it (almost) until the end. When it was about to finish, nature called. I wasn't worried, because the portrait was destroyed, everybody were to live happily forever, yaddayaddayadda.

It was less than one minute, I swear it. From the bathroom, I heard a woman cry, and the cue music starting. I almost fell on my face running to the TV, but it was too late. The night newsie had already started.

It has bugged me for at least 10 years. What the &$%# happened at that last second of the last chapter?



[Edited at 2005-05-01 23:50]

Balasubramaniam L.
Balasubramaniam L.  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:16
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English to Hindi
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Is it based on the World War II Analogy? May 2, 2005

The Lord of the Ring is indeed a great book. Do you think it is based on the analogy of World War II, with Mordor representing Hitler's Germany?

[Edited at 2005-05-02 11:30]

Balasubramaniam L.
Balasubramaniam L.  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:16
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English to Hindi
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I recommend you read the book first May 2, 2005

sergey wrote:

didn't realise the film was going to be so good! will go and rent the next 2.

I recommend that you read the book first. It is actually a trilogy plus an introudctory book Hobbits. It makes gripping reading and the book is of epic proportion. The theme is the ageold fight of evil and good, in which good eventually wins, but in the fight much of the good is also destroyed and nothing is same as before.

I have a feeling it is based on the World War II analogy. But is it is also very similar to ancient epics like Mahabharata (Sanskrit) in which also the fight is between good and evil. In fact there is an uncanny parallel between this book and Mahabarata, with Krishna playing a role similar to Gandalf as the friend, philosopher and guide of the Pandavas (the good guys) in their fight against the Kauravas (the bad guys).

The famous Hindu scripture Bhagvatgita is also included in the Mahabharata and it includes the essence of Krishna's teaching.

Incidently, sergey, all the three books have been converted into films and each one is better than the previous. First read the books and then watch all the three films in the right sequence for maximum enjoyment.

Paul Roige (X)
Paul Roige (X)
Local time: 13:46
English to Spanish
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The little guy May 2, 2005

Balasubramaniam wrote:

But is it is also very similar to ancient epics like Mahabharata (Sanskrit) in which also the fight is between good and evil. In fact there is an uncanny parallel between this book and Mahabarata, with Krishna playing a role similar to Gandalf as the friend, philosopher and guide of the Pandavas (the good guys) in their fight against the Kauravas (the bad guys).

That's exciting. Knowing that the author was an expert in Ancient Languages (specialising in Anglo-Saxon) I wouldn't find it hard to believe at all. Then you could connect the quest more or less to any European books of chivalry, minus the Hobbit bit, which is the brilliant difference (OK, we've David too, but he used a physical weapon), what makes this book sublime: the victory of the little guy by sheer purity of heart, never mind eventual death — something that could have never been achieved by magic of wizard, arm of man, axe of dwarf or bow of elf alone.
Hear, Godzilla, size does not matter

Riccardo Schiaffino
Riccardo Schiaffino  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 05:46
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World War II May 2, 2005

Balasubramaniam wrote:

Do you think it is based on the analogy of World War II, with Mordor representing Hitler's Germany?

Many people have suggested the same analogy, although Tolkien has always denied it was an allegory or anything of the sort.

Riccardo Schiaffino
Riccardo Schiaffino  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 05:46
Member (2003)
English to Italian
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No Tom Bombadil in the movie May 2, 2005

Hynek Palatin wrote:

...saved only by the timely intervention of the mysterious Tom Bombadil...

Of course Tom Bombadil is fairly important in The Fellowship of the Ring (the book), but he was not in the movie.

Lorenzo Lilli
Lorenzo Lilli  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:46
German to Italian
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in Italian? May 2, 2005

Riccardo Schiaffino wrote:

Hynek Palatin wrote:

...saved only by the timely intervention of the mysterious Tom Bombadil...

Of course Tom Bombadil is fairly important in The Fellowship of the Ring (the book), but he was not in the movie.

Hi Riccardo, do you remember how Tom Bombadil was called in the Italian version of the book? I read it a couple of years ago and unfortunately I don't remember him at all Thanks!

Lorenzo Lilli
Lorenzo Lilli  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:46
German to Italian
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soap opera May 2, 2005

Edwal Rospigliosi wrote:

It has bugged me for at least 10 years. What the &$%# happened at that last second of the last chapter?



[Edited at 2005-05-01 23:50]

Hi Edwal, have you tried searching the net? you never know, you could find some online community, a yahoo group or so of fans of this soap opera. Good luck

Local time: 13:46
English to German
Indeed May 2, 2005

Duca wrote:

Hi Edwal, have you tried searching the net? you never know, you could find some online community, a yahoo group or so of fans of this soap opera. Good luck

Spot on, Duca:

And an episode guide, although it is not very detailed...

Oh, and according to one person on, Strange Paradise is airing in Canada right now...

Kunik  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:46
English to Latvian
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The author May 2, 2005

explicitly denies any analogy and in particular any analogy related to WW2. And I have to agree that seeing this work as an analogy makes it too one-dimensional and flat.

But I wonder... if Bombadil is really Aule as some researchers have suggested? I tend to favour this idea. Any thoughts?

sergey (X)
sergey (X)
Local time: 12:46
Russian to English
+ ...
i might do. May 2, 2005

Balasubramaniam wrote:
I recommend that you read the book first. It is actually a trilogy plus an introudctory book Hobbits. It makes gripping reading and the book is of epic proportion.

well, if they showed the 1st film on ch4 i suspect they were planning to show the remaining 2 shortly and instead of renting them, i could, indeed, read the book in the meantime.

it is a hefty book though, i never finished reading 'war and peace' by leo tolstoy, mind you. it went on and on.

there was a lot of reviews of both the book and the 3 films on tv, but i thought it was the harry potter kind of hype (didn't like the film one bit) and decided not to be stirred into watching/reading 'the lord of the ring' so easily either.

don't know if it's based on WWII or has any hidden subtext, may be i need to watch the whole thing first to see if there are any connections.

in reality good and evil are not as easily defined as they are in this film.
in reality often what was good before is evil now and what was evil before is good now. what seems evil to humans could be just a movement of the universe in its constant balancing act.

Sarah Downing
Sarah Downing  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:46
German to English
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Encyclopedia of Arda May 2, 2005

And for those hardcore fans among you, this site is bloody brilliant:



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missed bit of 'the fellowship of the ring' film.

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