Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

2=double,3=triple,what's for 4,5,6 etc.

English answer:

2 = double, 3 = triple, 4 = quadruple, 5 = quintuple, 6 = sextuple, 7 = septuple, 8 = octuple

Added to glossary by Mats Wiman
Sep 21, 2003 11:00
21 yrs ago
77 viewers *
English term


2 mins

2=double,3=triple, 4 = quadruple, 5= quintuple, 6= sextuple, 7 = septuple 8 = octuple

I do not know yet if it goes on further
Peer comment(s):

agree IanW (X) : Beat me to it, Mats ...
1 min
agree David Moore (X) : Scientists might disagree with me; but I've never heard any beyond "octuple".
2 mins
agree Roomy Naqvy : perfectly agree; Mats, you beat me too!!!
3 mins
agree awilliams
10 mins
agree Steffen Walter : OK, that's the derivation from Latin. Depending on the nature or target audience of a particular translation, you may also use the more obvious "four times", "five times" etc. (provided it fits the context).
10 mins
agree jerrie
49 mins
agree Mumtaz
58 mins
agree Empty Whiskey Glass
59 mins
agree J. Leo (X) : nonuple/ninefold, denary/tenfold...the suffix -fold may be more common after 8.
1 hr
agree Bob Kerns (X)
1 hr
agree Marian Greenfield
1 hr
agree Refugio
2 hrs
agree Alexa Dubreuil
2 hrs
agree Tanja Abramovic (X)
2 hrs
agree Syeda Tanbira Zaman : ...and novuple, decuple... whatelse ??? :)
3 hrs
agree airmailrpl : -
5 hrs
agree Alaa Zeineldine
5 hrs
agree Catherine Norton
7 hrs
agree Patricia Baldwin
16 hrs
agree Jennie Sherrick, MA
1 day 8 hrs
agree AhmedAMS
7 days
agree gotmilk8437 : Syeda Tanbira Zaman, I believe it's nonuple not novuple, or so I've heard, and yes I only know up to decuple...
1223 days
agree sathekge : it is justifiable to have joined this platform. thank u guys...
3960 days
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I'm now enlightened and grateful,thanks."
3 mins

quadruple, quintuple, sextuple, septuple ...

x4 = quadruple
x5 = quintuple
x6 = sextuple
x7 = septuple
Peer comment(s):

agree awilliams
9 mins
Hi Amy, thanks for the consolation agreement!
agree Empty Whiskey Glass
58 mins
agree airmailrpl : -
5 hrs
agree Alaa Zeineldine
5 hrs
agree Patricia Baldwin
16 hrs
agree 81091liberty : I0 Empty tuple, 0 Point, 0Point, Zero-point, Zeropoint 1 Single singelton / monuple, one, once, single, solo, mono 2 Double / complex number, pair, ordered pair, twice 3 Triple / treble, triple or triplet, three, thrise, tri 4 Quadruple, tetra 5 Quintuple
5981 days
Something went wrong...
3 hrs

ctually you can go on by using the suffix uple.

You think you never heard of Novuple..
read this....
I had what you might call triple triple arhuriskopically surgery done to my torn -- no, ripped rotator cuff. And seeing as how they bypassed the actual joint, I guess the technical turm for it was novuple bypass surgery.

Note added at 2003-09-21 14:35:27 (GMT)

oops! There is no docuple in googles.

Note added at 2003-09-21 14:37:11 (GMT)

But there is decuple...The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.


ADJECTIVE: 1. Consisting of ten parts or members. 2. Ten times as much in size, strength, number, or amount.
NOUN: A tenfold amount or number.
INTRANSITIVE & TRANSITIVE VERB: Inflected forms: dec·u·pled, dec·u·pling, dec·u·ples
To multiply or be multiplied by ten.
ETYMOLOGY: Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latin decuplus : Latin decem, ten; see dek in Appendix I + Latin -plus, -fold; see pel-2 in Appendix I.

Note added at 2003-09-21 19:59:44 (GMT)

And now the GRAND DADDY of -uple the N-UPLE. It can be found in scientific papers maths, Physics, Chemistry especially when you are dealing with Waves... development in cluster of wave functions, for example. N-uple ecitations. The Engineers are familiar with it.

Note added at 2003-09-21 20:01:43 (GMT)

For the mathematically inclined..

Note added at 2003-09-21 20:16:12 (GMT)

T-Uple is a term used in data structures.

Note added at 2003-09-21 20:18:48 (GMT)

And in TELE COMMUNUCATIONS..By combining these two new technologies, new cable owners can double, quadruple or even oct-uple, 16-uple, and 32-uple the carrying capacity of each fibre..

Note added at 2003-09-21 20:21:48 (GMT)



Note added at 2003-09-21 21:14:53 (GMT)

Actually INFINITUPLE allready exists in the WEBSTERS DICTIONARY 1913 edition. Here is what it says...
In*fin\"i*tu`ple (?), a. [Cf. Quadruple.] Multipied an infinite number of times. [R.]

Note added at 2003-09-21 21:16:02 (GMT)
Peer comment(s):

agree Catherine Norton : This is fascinating information Syeda.
3 hrs
I was as surprised as you are !
agree Margarita : :-)))
5 hrs
Thank you for the infinituple time.
agree Patricia Baldwin
12 hrs
agree dragonboi86 : Well I am reading the post for the millionuple time. Thx for the quadrillinuple time xD :>
7021 days
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23 hrs


As for languages, you might say bilingual, trilingual but multilingual will suit better than quadrilingual French, after 3, we say "polyglotte" (several tongues)
Something went wrong...
5 days

four-fold, five-fold, etc.

This is a possible synonym, if you are looking for one. It is an adjective, not a verb, and is not completely interchangeable. You can use it for increases, for example, but not for heart-bypass operations.

Note added at 6 days (2003-09-28 10:05:12 GMT) Post-grading

Already given by James Caulfield, I see.
Something went wrong...
6926 days


2 Double
3 Triple
4 Quadruple "Quad"
5 Quintuple "Quint"
6 Sextuple "Sex"
7 Septuple "Sept"
8 Octuple "Oct"
9 Nonuple "Non"
10 Decuple "Dec"
11 Undecuple "Undec"
12 Duodecuple "Duodec"
13 Tredecuple "Tredec"
14 Quattuordecuple "Quattuordec"
15 Quindecuple "Quindec"
16 Sexdecuple "Sexdec"
17 Septendecuple "Septendec"
18 Octodecuple "Octodec"
19 Novemdecuple "Novemdec"
20 Viguple "Vig"
21 Unviguple "Unvig"
22 Duoviguple "Duovig"
23 Treviguple "Trevig"
24 Quattuorviguple "Quattuorvig"
25 Quinviguple "Quinvig"
26 Sexviguple "Sexvig"
27 Septenviguple "Septenvig"
28 Octoviguple "Octovig"
29 Novemviguple "Novemvig"
30 Triguple "Trig"
31 Untriguple "Untrig"
32 Duotriguple "Duotrig"
33 Tretriguple "Tretrig"
34 Quattuortriguple "Quattuortrig"
35 Quintriguple "Quintrig"
36 Sextriguple "Sextrig"
37 Septentriguple "Septentrig"
38 Octotriguple "Octotrig"
39 Novemtriguple "Novemtrig"
40 Quadraguple "Quadrag"
41 Unquadraguple "Unquadrag"
42 Duoquadraguple "Duoquadrag"
43 Trequadraguple "Trequadrag"
44 Quattuorquadraguple "Quattuorquadrag"
45 Quinquadraguple "Quinquadrag"
46 Sexquadraguple "Sexquadrag"
47 Septenquadraguple "Septenquadrag"
48 Octoquadraguple "Octoquadrag"
49 Novemquadraguple "Novemquadrag"
50 Quinquaguple "Quinquag"
51 Unquinquaguple "Unquinquag"
52 Duoquinquaguple "Duoquinquag"
53 Trequinquaguple "Trequinquag"
54 Quattuorquinquaguple "Quattuorquinquag"
55 Quinquinquaguple "Quinquinquag"
56 Sexquinquaguple "Sexquinquag"
57 Septenquinquaguple "Septenquinquag"
58 Octoquinquaguple "Octoquinquag"
59 Novemquinquaguple "Novemquinquag"
60 Sexaguple "Sexag"
61 Unsexaguple "Unsexag"
62 Duosexaguple "Duosexag"
63 Tresexaguple "Tresexag"
64 Quattuorsexaguple "Quattuorsexag"
65 Quinsexaguple "Quinsexag"
66 Sexsexaguple "Sexsexag"
67 Septensexaguple "Septensexag"
68 Octosexaguple "Octosexag"
69 Novemsexaguple "Novemsexag"
70 Septuaguple "Septuag"
71 Unseptuaguple "Unseptuag"
72 Duoseptuaguple "Duoseptuag"
73 Treseptuaguple "Treseptuag"
74 Quattuorseptuaguple "Quattuorseptuag"
75 Quinseptuaguple "Quinseptuag"
76 Sexseptuaguple "Sexseptuag"
77 Septenseptuaguple "Septenseptuag"
78 Octoseptuaguple "Octoseptuag"
79 Novemseptuaguple "Novemseptuag"
80 Octoguple "Octog"
81 Unoctoguple "Unoctog"
82 Duooctoguple "Duooctog"
83 Treoctoguple "Treoctog"
84 Quattuoroctoguple "Quattuoroctog"
85 Quinoctoguple "Quinoctog"
86 Sexoctoguple "Sexoctog"
87 Septoctoguple "Septoctog"
88 Octooctoguple "Octooctog"
89 Novemoctoguple "Novemoctog"
90 Nonaguple "Nonag"
91 Unnonaguple "Unnonag"
92 Duononaguple "Duononag"
93 Trenonaguple "Trenonag"
94 Quattuornonaguple "Quattuornonag"
95 Quinnonaguple "Quinnonag"
96 Sexnonaguple "Sexnonag"
97 Septennonaguple "Septennonag"
98 Octononaguple "Octononag"
99 Novemnonaguple "Novemnonag"
100 Centuple "Cent"
1000 Millidruple "Mil"
1M Megadruple "Mega"
1B Gigadruple "Gig"
1T Teradruple "Tera"
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