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Thread poster: Alan Wang
ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 09:02
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还不算太辛苦 Mar 22, 2009

nigerose wrote:

ysun wrote:



通常在我对原译者不了解的情况下,我是不接 editing 这种差事的。这次是那翻译社老板再三求我,她说很可能会丢掉那家客户,求我帮她“救火”,我才同意的。我修改了此人的一篇专利之后,又接受了他翻的另一篇,改起来还不算太辛苦。但另两篇别人翻译的专利,我只同意修改 Claims 部分。你只要看看下面这句话,就可以想见那译文惨到什么程度了:The said laminated film of claim 1, wherein the characteristics comprising: … 不过,这种美国人看不懂的英文,中国人肯定能看懂。

Joyce Curran
Joyce Curran  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:02
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幸好我没弄过专利, Mar 22, 2009


ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 09:02
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问题在于什么才是专利翻译者最重要的背景知识 Mar 22, 2009

nigerose wrote:


看得出来,那位翻译在subject matter 方面具有扎实的背景知识,绝大部分复杂的化学名词他都翻对了。 他对专利文体不熟悉情有可原,毕竟他不是专业翻译,而是研究人员。按理说,翻译社应该安排一位Editor,此Editor最好是一位 native English speaker(当然应该是一位linguist,而不是大街上随便拽一个人回来),而且应该熟悉专利文体。 另外,此译文到了专利律师手里,专利律师应该进行相应修改。所以,我才在前面为那位译者“鸣冤”。 如果你找一位熟悉专利文体,但连 "ordinary skill in the art” 都不具备的人来翻译,那么翻出来的东西肯定会更加“惨不忍睹”。 这就是为什么很多技术性较强的文件在中译英时不得不找 non-native English speakers 来翻的重要原因,因为 native English speakers 中即懂中文又懂某一门专业技术的人毕竟较少。 以前曾有一位在美国获得中文博士学位的 native English speaker 说,non-native English speakers 声称自己能搞中译英那是不道德的做法。为此,我与她辩论得很激烈。

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 09:02
Chinese to English
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different motives Mar 22, 2009

isahuang wrote:




No way. But I've learned my lesson - not everyone here is looking for an honest opinion.

[Edited at 2009-03-23 00:36 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 09:02
English to Chinese
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不怕有争议,就怕不讲道理 Mar 22, 2009


我建议译成 “pressure boosting operation”,但某人认为 boosting 是用词不当,应该用 increasing。其实,有不同意见很正常,但当我列出几本词典作为根据时,对方就开始�
... See more

我建议译成 “pressure boosting operation”,但某人认为 boosting 是用词不当,应该用 increasing。其实,有不同意见很正常,但当我列出几本词典作为根据时,对方就开始以 “boosting American economy” 等言语来嘲笑我,并说“我翻译时从来不查词典,但也决不不懂装懂”,等等。他还列出自己对全句的翻译如下:
“The the speed shutter reaches the preset shutting position, the ability to Chain control the pressure increasing operation starts.”

“Pressure vessels with a quick-actuating closure should be equipped with a safety interlocking device that meets the following requirement: having such an interlocking control function that pressure boosting operation can not be started until the quick-actuating closure reaches the predetermined closing position.”

“翻译时从来不查词典”倒不去说它,但最起码翻完之后应该再看它一遍,把那重复的 “the” 去掉一个。声明一点,我只是就事论事,对事不对人。同时,我也欢迎对我的译文“拍砖”,不过可别对我本人“拍砖”。:D

Joyce Curran
Joyce Curran  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:02
English to Chinese
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Yueyin! Mar 22, 2009


ysun wrote:


我建议译成 “pressure boosting operation”,但某人认为 boosting 是用词不当,应该用 increasing。其实,有不同意见很正常,但当我列出几本词典作为根据时,对方就开始以 “boosting American economy” 等言语来嘲笑我,并说“我翻译时从来不查词典,但也决不不懂装懂”,等等。他还列出自己对全句的翻译如下:
“The the speed shutter reaches the preset shutting position, the ability to Chain control the pressure increasing operation starts.”

“Pressure vessels with a quick-actuating closure should be equipped with a safety interlocking device that meets the following requirement: having such an interlocking control function that pressure boosting operation can not be started until the quick-actuating closure reaches the predetermined closing position.”

“翻译时从来不查词典”倒不去说它,但最起码翻完之后应该再看它一遍,把那重复的 “the” 去掉一个。声明一点,我只是就事论事,对事不对人。同时,我也欢迎对我的译文“拍砖”,不过可别对我本人“拍砖”。:D

[Edited at 2009-03-22 16:21 GMT]

[Edited at 2009-03-22 19:12 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 09:02
Chinese to English
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Attitude Mar 22, 2009

ysun wrote:



我建议译成 “pressure boosting operation”,但某人认为 boosting 是用词不当,应该用 increasing。其实,有不同意见很正常,但当我列出几本词典作为根据时,对方就开始以 “boosting American economy” 等言语来嘲笑我,并说“我翻译时从来不查词典,但也决不不懂装懂”,等等。他还列出自己对全句的翻译如下:
“The the speed shutter reaches the preset shutting position, the ability to Chain control the pressure increasing operation starts.”

“Pressure vessels with a quick-actuating closure should be equipped with a safety interlocking device that meets the following requirement: having such an interlocking control function that pressure boosting operation can not be started until the quick-actuating closure reaches the predetermined closing position.”

“翻译时从来不查词典”倒不去说它,但最起码翻完之后应该再看它一遍,把那重复的 “the” 去掉一个。声明一点,我只是就事论事,对事不对人。同时,我也欢迎对我的译文“拍砖”,不过可别对我本人“拍砖”。:D


I agree. The translation by that colleague didn't even come close. The English was poor, and the attitude even worse.

Sometimes the arrogance seen in these boards is just amazing. I occasionally witnessed it when I was active in KudoZ. I think it's the same kind of poor attitude that xxxIanWrux was complaining about in his original post of that link, "Who needs the natives?" - the crux of the matter being not so much of whether a translator is native or not, but the arrogance demonstrated by some people not willing to listen to more-qualified others, often with nothing to back which up but the bravado and insults they resort to.

Luckily we don't see much of it in our forum, knock on wood.

[Edited at 2009-03-22 20:03 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 09:02
English to Chinese
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Joyce 千万别误会 Mar 22, 2009


千万别误会。你这么一说,别人还以为我上面说的“某人”是指你了。赶紧把你的帖子改了吧,以免引起别人的误会。 以前曾有人建议你不要翻译国标,但我表示过支持,因为国标虽然包含技术内容,但难度不是太高,再说你又有你的“黑漆板凳”在那里做坚强后盾,完全能够做好。 你得到了客户的好评就说明了一切。不过,你轻易不涉足专利是明智的,因为如果对某技术领域不了解,翻译起来会很吃力。 隔行如隔山,我对我不熟悉的领域,照样也是碰都不去碰的。我上面说翻译专利者应具备 "ordinary skill in the art”,也是这个意思。当然,如果已经达到 "skilled in the art" 那就更好。这个 "the art” 就是指相关技术领域。我上面说的“拍砖”纯粹是开玩笑。我这人爱开玩笑。

[Edited at 2009-03-23 00:50 GMT]

Joyce Curran
Joyce Curran  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:02
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谢谢您,Yueyin! Mar 22, 2009


我还在学习阶段(这么大了,还在学习,自己都感到惭愧),也在考虑隐退, 太多的高手。


ysun wrote:


千万别误会。你这么一说,别人还以为我上面说的“某人”是指你了。赶紧把你的帖子改了吧,以免引起别人的误会。 以前曾有人建议你不要翻译国标,但我表示过支持,因为国标虽然包含技术内容,但难度不是太高,再说你又有你的“黑漆板凳”在那里做坚强后盾,完全能够做好。 你得到了客户的好评就说明了一切。不过,你轻易不涉足专利是明智的,因为如果对某技术领域不了解,翻译起来会很吃力。 隔行如隔山,我对我不熟悉的领域,照样也是碰都不去碰的。我上面说“拍砖”也是开玩笑。

[Edited at 2009-03-22 19:14 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 09:02
English to Chinese
+ ...
我很了解 Mar 22, 2009

Joyce Curran wrote:



别隐退呀! 要隐退起码也要等到我隐退之后再说。:D

[Edited at 2009-03-22 19:25 GMT]

Joyce Curran
Joyce Curran  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:02
English to Chinese
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不成! Mar 22, 2009

上星期,法国一家客户发邮件来,优惠我$0.04/word, 还是长远合作。您说,我还不黑灯瞎火的赶,才够去买件衣服的?他们也不是不知道欧洲的消费,欺负人嘛。


ysun wrote:


别隐退呀! 要隐退起码也要等到我隐退之后再说。:D

[Edited at 2009-03-22 19:25 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 09:02
English to Chinese
+ ...
你不理他就是了 Mar 22, 2009

Joyce Curran wrote:

上星期,法国一家客户发邮件来,优惠我$0.04/word, 还是长远合作。您说,我还不黑灯瞎火的赶,才够去买件衣服的?他们也不是不知道欧洲的消费,欺负人嘛。

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 09:02
English to Chinese
+ ...
同行如冤家? Mar 22, 2009

wherestip wrote:


I agree. The translation by that colleague didn't even come close. The English was poor, and the attitude even worse.

Sometimes the arrogance seen in these boards is just amazing. I occasionally witnessed it when I was active in KudoZ. I think it's the same kind of poor attitude that xxxIanWrux was complaining about in his original post of that link, "Who needs the natives?" - the crux of the matter being not so much of whether a translator is native or not, but the arrogance demonstrated by some people not willing to listen to more-qualified others, often with nothing to back which up but the bravado and insults they resort to.

Luckily we don't see much of it in our forum, knock on wood.


Kevin 前面说,”Your discussion did remind me some similar debates we had in this forum in the past. I hope Yueyin can remember it well.” 对于那些事情我当然不会轻易忘记,只是本来不想再提。不过,谈谈应该如何对待同事还是会有益的。

我上Kudoz 答题纯粹是为了提供自己的建设性意见。我根本不需要什么 Kudoz points。当然,我在答题同时,因深入思考问题也会从中获益。可是如你所知,我多次在答题时或在论坛讨论时遭到无端攻击。尤其是一位以前与我素无来往的人,长期不懈地对我发动攻击。分析下来,我认为是由于他存在不正常的竞争心理。别的同事也曾认为那人心理不正常。翻译是一个竞争很激烈的市场。于是,有个别人就自觉或不自觉地把别的同事视为自己的竞争对手,千方百计地要贬低他们,以此抬高自己。以前对我和 Bin Li 等人竭力发动攻击的那位同事,自称也是搞医药专利翻译的,这恐怕也是原因之一。其实,翻译市场很大,只要有本事、肯下功夫,总还是会有许多项目干的。 否则,即使把我贬得“隐退”了,我的项目也不会因此而减少,他的项目也未必会因此而增多。

应该再次指出,Kevin、Denyce 和 Donglai 三位 moderators为维持论坛和 KudoZ 的正常秩序做出了杰出贡献!

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 09:02
Chinese to English
+ ...
KudoZ and the forum Mar 22, 2009

ysun wrote:


Kevin 前面说,”Your discussion did remind me some similar debates we had in this forum in the past. I hope Yueyin can remember it well.” 对于那些事情我当然不会轻易忘记,只是本来不想再提。不过,谈谈应该如何对待同事还是会有益的。

我上Kudoz 答题纯粹是为了提供自己的建设性意见。我根本不需要什么 Kudoz points。当然,我在答题同时,因深入思考问题也会从中获益。可是如你所知,我多次在答题时或在论坛讨论时遭到无端攻击。尤其是一位以前与我素无来往的人,长期不懈地对我发动攻击。分析下来,我认为是由于他存在不正常的竞争心理。别的同事也曾认为那人心理不正常。翻译是一个竞争很激烈的市场。于是,有个别人就自觉或不自觉地把别的同事视为自己的竞争对手,千方百计地要贬低他们,以此抬高自己。以前对我和 Bin Li 等人竭力发动攻击的那位同事,自称也是搞医药专利翻译的,这恐怕也是原因之一。其实,翻译市场很大,只要有本事、肯下功夫,总还是会有许多项目干的。 否则,即使把我贬得“隐退”了,我的项目也不会因此而减少,他的项目也未必会因此而增多。

应该再次指出,Kevin、Denyce 和 Donglai 三位 moderators为维持论坛和 KudoZ 的正常秩序做出了杰出贡献!

正是. 这次我也亲身领教了, 以前基本上还只是观摩 - 你那儿好心好意地提供自己的意见和看法, 甚至为了避免争吵在自己明知正确的英文用法上作妥协, 却反而被别人用蹩脚的英文冷嘲热讽.

这里偶尔有这种人出现, KudoZ 那边较多. 所以我很长时间不去了.

其实我无所谓. 天下什么人都有

This section explains in basic terms the principals that are used to create the refrigeration effect. Graphics and animation's are used in an attempt to make it easy to understand the concepts involved.

First of all, did you know that there is no such thing as cold? You can describe something as cold and everyone will know what you mean, but cold really only means that something contains less heat than something else. All there really is, is greater and lesser amounts of heat. The definition of refrigeration is The Removal and Relocation of Heat. So if something is to be refrigerated, it is to have heat removed from it. If you have a warm can of pop at say 80 degrees Fahrenheit and you would prefer to drink it at 40 degrees Fahrenheit, you could place it in your fridge for a while, heat would somehow be removed from it, and you could eventually enjoy a less warm pop. (oh, all right, a cold pop.) But lets say you placed that 40 ºF pop in the freezer for a while and when you removed it, it was at 35 ºF. See what I mean, even "cold" objects have heat content that can be reduced to a state of "less heat content". The limit to this process would be to remove all heat from an object. This would occur if an object was cooled to Absolute Zero which is -460 ºF or -273 ºC. They come close to creating this temperature under laboratory conditions and strange things like electrical superconductivity occur.

[Edited at 2009-03-23 00:23 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 09:02
English to Chinese
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求同存异 Mar 23, 2009


由于大家的教育背景、工作经验、生活经历不同等种种原因,产生不同意见是很正常的。 但如果大家心平气和地讨论问题,就可产生积极的结果。即使不能达成一致意见,也还可以求同存异,不伤和气。至于 Refrigeration 的问题,我看再讨论下去也意义不大,还是求同存异吧。

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