Localization... What\'s that ? (link to informative article)
Thread poster: Evert DELOOF-SYS
Evert DELOOF-SYS  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:04
English to Dutch
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Nov 27, 2001

I can highly recommend an article by Bert Esselink on localization.

The article presents you with a general overview of the present situation and might shed some light on this often misused term.

Go to: http://www.locguide.com/book/articles/mdu_article_esselink.pdf

Happy reading and let the discussion start ...
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I can highly recommend an article by Bert Esselink on localization.

The article presents you with a general overview of the present situation and might shed some light on this often misused term.

Go to: http://www.locguide.com/book/articles/mdu_article_esselink.pdf

Happy reading and let the discussion start


Giuliana Buscaglione
Giuliana Buscaglione  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:04
Member (2001)
German to Italian
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Going Global Nov 28, 2001


thanks for reporting about this very interesting article. Well, it seems that translators ought to develop skills other than pure translation, if they want to keep the pace

I am not a fan of CAT tools, as I don\'t like anything repetitive and being a sort of human tool supervising a job done by a machine, but I realized that a CAT tool can be a very usefull \"internal\" tool (as to speed up my work anyway for
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thanks for reporting about this very interesting article. Well, it seems that translators ought to develop skills other than pure translation, if they want to keep the pace

I am not a fan of CAT tools, as I don\'t like anything repetitive and being a sort of human tool supervising a job done by a machine, but I realized that a CAT tool can be a very usefull \"internal\" tool (as to speed up my work anyway for personal advantage, not to shrink my final bill to the agency).

After having read the article I can say that localization & globalization are a very interesting words in that context. Still, I am afraid the word \"translation\" might get lost in the bunch of activities connected with the definition of \"going global\" (>lower rates?) or increasingly less time will be granted to translators to finish their job (> unrealistic or \"deadly\" - for the translators - deadlines).

Big business for technicians or \"automated translation workers\", no more or very little business in this branch for creative \"translation\" pros.

Thank God there is room for \"localization\", unrealistic deadlines, low rates, hectic as well as for creative work, acceptable deadlines & rates and time for reviewing in \"our\" market.


Isabel Peralta
Isabel Peralta  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:04
Member (2009)
English to Spanish
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thanks for the info Nov 28, 2001

Thanks a lot for the article, I have been trying to guess for ages what the term meant!

Colin Brayton
Colin Brayton  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:04
Arabic to English
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Thank you Feb 21, 2002

Thanks for the reference. See my posting in this forum: I am doing an article, hopefully for Wired, on the industry.

Ilse_Utz (X)
Ilse_Utz (X)
Local time: 02:04
English to German
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no, I am not convinced Mar 7, 2003

[ This Message was edited by:on2003-03-11 17:16]

Roberta Anderson
Roberta Anderson  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:04
Member (2001)
English to Italian
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very interesting article, pity it leaves out freelancers' issues Mar 9, 2003

It is a very interesting and clear article, focused very much on the localization vendor\'s side of localization (understandably, seeing the writer\'s profile).

It\'s a shame it leaves out the freelancer\'s viewpoint...

To its list of minuses, I would add:

- being often forced to carry past errors in new versions, because of leveraging (why does it have to be so hard to correct old mistakes when working on new versions?)

- having to finalise sw strings be
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It is a very interesting and clear article, focused very much on the localization vendor\'s side of localization (understandably, seeing the writer\'s profile).

It\'s a shame it leaves out the freelancer\'s viewpoint...

To its list of minuses, I would add:

- being often forced to carry past errors in new versions, because of leveraging (why does it have to be so hard to correct old mistakes when working on new versions?)

- having to finalise sw strings before being able to have a glimpse at the doc (how often do you read a passage in the manual and are struck by a flash: so THAT\'s what that string meant!!!)

- not being included in the internal product training at the beginning the project

- not being included in the interface testing (a few errors could easily be caught and fixed at that time, if the lead sw translator was involved too)

I think these 4 points would considerably improve the overall quality, at not much greater cost for the vendor...

(I disagree on the creativity bit: if you know the subject, the cat tools limitations are not a problem; on the other hand, they can magnify an underlying lack of subject knowledge)

My main pluses:

- I can combine langage and technology

- I love my field

- there will always be an upgrade within 12-18 months


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Localization... What\'s that ? (link to informative article)

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