Powwow Report for Argentina - Buenos Aires (Dec 15 2001)

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Report from  Andrea Bullrich
The Un-powwow report

I had said I�d write about the second Buenos Aires powwow, but on the way to the Tortoni, I wondered what there could be to write about. We had already had a powwow, just two weeks ago. Henry had been there, and Maria Eugenia Farre, and about thirty of us. What was the point?

I was in for a surprise, of course. There were several people who hadn�t been there the first time. There were also fewer of us, and it was a quieter evening at the Tortoni, so it was easier to talk. Most of us had already met, so there were no formal introductions; we just sat down to talk to whoever was there, switching places after a while. What was new was that this time it felt a little more like home.

Just like at the first powwow, we talked about the questions where we had �met,� we exchanged experiences and advice, we welcomed some newcomers to the site... Most of us talked about how much fun we had at the KudoZ section, how to find jobs, how to use the forums. We also found other things in common besides a love for languages and translating: we talked about our families, our daily struggles in the �real world,� etc.

And then on the way back home, I found myself thinking of other friends, who would be attending other powwows at the same time, others who�d had their powwows earlier and had told me how much fun I�d missed, and still others who had had no powwow but would be waiting for my news; and I realized that even though powwows are great -any chance to meet with friends is great- I couldn�t wait to sit down at the computer and tell those other friends all about it. The real magic of ProZ, for me, is right here, on my computer screen: the magic of being able to reach out to people who are far away and still feel incredibly close, of being able to ask just about anything, and always, or almost always, finding someone with the right answer or at least a good lead, the magic of laughing out loud at a funny �agree,� or being angry at someone we thought was unfair, or just yelling at the screen and feeling lost when the server�s down for some reason. I will probably never meet many of these people, but we�ve shared sleepless nights helping one another find difficult answers, or just encouraging one another when all we wanted to do was go to sleep; we�ve fought to see who would be the first to answer; we�ve closed ranks against site abusers despite our differences. ProZ has allowed us to meet as professionals, and to act as professionals, and then to become friends and do what all friends need to do: take a break from work and just have fun together.

So now I realize I�ll end up finishing an un-powwow report: powwows are a great idea, and I hope there will be more. And the friends I met today at the Tortoni (and those I made there, those I hadn�t met before) will look different to me now when I meet them online: our exchange will have an added dimension, more depth and richness. But that, I think, goes without saying. So now I�ll say what I probably shouldn�t say, at least not here: the magic, the power of this place Henry has created is not the possibility of meeting face to face, but rather the opposite; it�s finding friends we may or may not meet, but who are there for us in so many ways, and in ways so unexpected that we can�t even imagine how we�ve managed without them. This is a discovery for some: we translators are supposed to be lonely types, always at our computers, shutting the world out. But at ProZ, we�ve found that we can do a lot better with this support than on our own, and I don�t think any one of us could go back to the way things were before we found it.

Andrea Bullrich

Report from  Clarisa Moraña
<b>Powwow de Buenos Aires</b>, 15 de diciembre de 2001-12-18

Podr�a haber sido en otro lado pues en Buenos Aires tenemos una buena cantidad de puntos de encuentro (no en vano una buena mayor�a de argentinos descendemos de italianos y espa�oles, amantes de los bares y caf�s), as� como para cambiar, pero no. Nuevamente optamos por empezar por el caf� del Tortoni y cerrar con las pizzas de Los Inmortales. Unos 20 traductores, algunos que nos conoc�amos personalmente, otros por mail y otros reci�n ingresados a Proz, tuvimos una reuni�n sumamente productiva.
Al igual que en la pasada reuni�n, un par de traductores hicieron un largo recorrido para estar presentes: Ana Paulina vino especialmente de La Rioja y Sandra, desde una lejana ciudad en la Patagonia. �A cu�ntos kil�metros de distancia est�n estas ciudades? Lo desconozco, pero en avi�n debe ser un par de horas...
Este Powwow marc� una diferencia con el anterior, celebrado casi dos semanas antes en la que la emoci�n de conocer en persona a nuestros pros fue la caracter�stica de la noche. Esta vez nos concentramos m�s en los aspectos pr�cticos del funcionamiento de Proz y en lanzar ideas para formar un bloque s�lido de traductores argentinos que aproveche las ventajas ofrecidas por el sitio.
En las mesas, los miembros m�s veteranos y participativos se dedicaban a instruir a los reci�n llegados o menos expertos sobre ProZ: c�mo calificar una pregunta, ofrecer su trabajo en una licitaci�n, las diferencias entre puntos Kudoz y Browniz, las ventajas de ser miembro Platinum, etc.
El consenso general fue intentar conformar una subcomunidad o cooperativa abierta de traductores argentinos dentro de ProZ. Crear oportunidades de trabajo, establecer tarifas justas acordes a la realidad, recibir los pagos y coordinar especializaciones de los integrantes fueron las principales dudas del grupo y constituir�n el punto central de alg�n pr�ximo Powwow.

<b>Organizadora del Powwow:</b> Clarisa Mora�a

1. Ana Paulina Pe�a Pollastri
2. Andrea Bullrich
3. Andrea Jabl�n (esposo e hija)
4. Aurora Humaran
5. Carlos Burgos
6. Clarisa Mora�a
7. Claudia Berison
8. Claudia S�nchez Bajo (y esposo)
9. Elinor Thomas
10. Enrique Cavalitto (Two2tango)
11. Esteban Flamini
12. Gabriela Minsky (y esposo)
13. Haydee Incico (Two2tango)
14. M�nica Colangelo
15. Oscar Knoblauch
16. Patricia de Aguirre
17. Sandra Carrazzoni
18. Tilsa Thomas

Report from  Aurora Humarán (X)
M�s vale tarde que nunca.
(Consegu� una traductora que me ayud� a traducir la frase a ingl�s....)
Better late than never....

Las fotos que saqu� en el powwow de Diciembre 2001. Qu� jovenes eramos entonces!!!

Saludos, Aurora
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(Click on an image for larger view)

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Andrea Bullrich
sandra carrazzoni
Claudia Berison
Elinor Thomas
Clarisa Moraña
Ana Peña Pollastri
Gabriela Minsky
Aurora Humarán (X)
Andrea Jablon
Monica Colangelo
Claudia Sanchez Bajo - Roelants du Vivier
Esteban Flamini

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

No postings yet made in this powwow.