Powwow Report for Канада - Toronto (Oct 14 2004)

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Report from  Johanna Timm, PhD
ATA, 2004 Toronto

On the lowest level
Cat tools are sneaking up behind your back, softly
Promising to catch that phrase, behold that word and
Recycle, recycle your thoughts.

In hallways and well formatted spaces
Words are gathering speed, bouncing off
Mirrored walls, looking, looking for a sentence,
Just to be still in.

The mezzanines are busy sorting and discarding,
Exchanging versions short of meaning, comparing
Now and then and aiming, aiming
Straight for the target, always counting
On the Mothers of Invention.

The ballroom then, with sweet panache
Invites the final version to get up, stand up
Step out for our rights, dance the fear away
The quiet nights, the lonely nights are sure to come -
another day.

It was lovely. I enjoyed myself. And I learned a lot.

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Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Oct 15 '04  NancyLynn: Now, how about Friday?
For those of us arriving Friday, shall we meet informally in the afternoon for cocktails?