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Would you complete a less-than-one-minute survey about résumés? :)
Thread poster: Juan Manuel Macarlupu Peña
Juan Manuel Macarlupu Peña
Juan Manuel Macarlupu Peña  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:49
English to Spanish
Apr 4, 2013

Hello Collegues!
I am writing an article on the importance of a good CV or résumé and I am trying to establish wether or not there is a correlation between the content and form of the CV and the rates that a translator charges for their work.
Would you mind answering a couple of questions in this form? You only have to check boxes, no writing or giving explanations of any kind.
I would really appreaciate it.
Thanks!!!... See more
Hello Collegues!
I am writing an article on the importance of a good CV or résumé and I am trying to establish wether or not there is a correlation between the content and form of the CV and the rates that a translator charges for their work.
Would you mind answering a couple of questions in this form? You only have to check boxes, no writing or giving explanations of any kind.
I would really appreaciate it.



Diana Coada (X)
Diana Coada (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 14:49
Portuguese to English
+ ...
Done! Apr 4, 2013

Mark Thompson
Mark Thompson  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:49
Portuguese to English
Also done! Apr 4, 2013


Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:49
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
One more! Apr 4, 2013


NataliaAnne  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:49
Portuguese to English
Survey content Apr 4, 2013

I just completed the survey and noticed that several items on the list are very culturally specific. For example, in some countries it is expected that an applicant declare their marital status while in others this would be considered a foray into a personal realm and therefore inappropriate for a professional document. Do such cultural aspects form part of your research as well?

Another thought is that it would be nice to have an ‘other’ option to list any additional informatio
... See more
I just completed the survey and noticed that several items on the list are very culturally specific. For example, in some countries it is expected that an applicant declare their marital status while in others this would be considered a foray into a personal realm and therefore inappropriate for a professional document. Do such cultural aspects form part of your research as well?

Another thought is that it would be nice to have an ‘other’ option to list any additional information included in your CV and/or resumé.

Good luck with your research!

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:49
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
+ ...
More cultural things Apr 4, 2013

NataliaAnne wrote:
I noticed that several items on the list are very culturally specific. For example, in some countries it is expected that an applicant declare their marital status, while in others...

In my country of origin it is customary to mention marital status near the top of the CV, but I mention it at the bottom of my CV, in the "personal" section. I think therefore that my mention of my marital status is not equal to that of people who mention it in the main section of their CV.

Other things that are or were customary in my origin country to mention on a CV include whether you have a criminal record (the best answer is "none", and you may exclude parking tickets), whether you have a driving licence (even if the job you're after requires no driving), and (in the old days) whether you were ever conscripted (and if so, where you were stationed) or were exempted from it (and why). In fact, I recall a line for "Health" (the only good answers being "excellent" and "good") near the top of the CV templates as well. Some of these things occur on standard CV templates, so people fill them in without making a deliberate decision to mention them. And even religion (and what denomination, and optionally which congregation) is also a thing that I recall from my student days when I had to write my first CV from a template. These days, employers can't discriminate on these things (officially), but that doesn't mean people don't put them in the CV anyway.

Sheila Wilson
Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:49
Member (2007)
+ ...
Job-seekers vs freelancers Apr 4, 2013

marital status
criminal record
driving licence
conscripted or were exempted from it
even religion

These are, or in some cases were, relevant for CVs in various cultures. But only for job-seekers CVs. I'm assuming that the OP is principally looking at freelancers' CVs, seeing as he asks for our rates per word. I don't believe these items have ever been valid for freelancers anywhere in the world who work from home, although I suppose criminal record could be something that some clients might be interested in: a prosecution for blackmail or slander could be highly relevant.

Daniela Zambrini
Daniela Zambrini  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:49
English to Italian
+ ...
done :-) Apr 4, 2013

looking forward to reading your article once you have processed the survey results.

Nor Afizah
Nor Afizah
Local time: 21:49
English to Malay
Done Apr 4, 2013

Done. let me know the results ya:)

NataliaAnne  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:49
Portuguese to English
Superfluous information Apr 4, 2013

Sheila Wilson wrote:

a prosecution for blackmail or slander could be highly relevant.

Sheila, you always seem to make me laugh!

The way I see resumés is as a point of first contact. Anyone who has ever gone through the process of hiring knows that it’s impossible to do more than quickly glance at most of them and that it helps a lot when they’re concise. Once an employer is interested in an applicant, they can get down to the nitty-gritty and find out all they need/want to know. I consider criminal checks, tax file numbers and similar to be necessary at subsequent stages of recruitment rather than the initial one. Having said that, in Brazil you need to provide your grandmother’s full name and dog’s birth certificate to do almost anything.

Siegfried Armbruster
Siegfried Armbruster  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:49
English to German
+ ...
In memoriam
There is a whole world Apr 4, 2013

of rates above the range you specified.

Eileen Ferguson
Eileen Ferguson  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 09:49
German to English
+ ...
Done! Apr 4, 2013

Siegfried Armbruster wrote:

There is a whole world of rates above the range you specified.

The "More than 0.13" option would take care of those

Siegfried Armbruster
Siegfried Armbruster  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:49
English to German
+ ...
In memoriam
Sure Apr 4, 2013

Eileen-Ferguson wrote:
The "More than 0.13" option would take care of those

Yes, the lower end of the world as I see it might be the sky for others

nrichy (X)
nrichy (X)
Local time: 15:49
French to Dutch
+ ...
Done Apr 4, 2013

But I am also afraid that you are mixing up content/prices and cultural différences. For instance, the length of the cv has to do with the country of origin (in Germany: condensed, 1 page, southern Europe: exhaustive, several pages). Make sure in your article that a correlation does not necessarily mean that one factor depends on the other. Same for the photograph: in some countries pictures are not done because the receiver of the cv is expected to stay objective, not influenced by appearance.... See more
But I am also afraid that you are mixing up content/prices and cultural différences. For instance, the length of the cv has to do with the country of origin (in Germany: condensed, 1 page, southern Europe: exhaustive, several pages). Make sure in your article that a correlation does not necessarily mean that one factor depends on the other. Same for the photograph: in some countries pictures are not done because the receiver of the cv is expected to stay objective, not influenced by appearance.

Bear in mind that lots of translators never send cv's, only business proposals (page with factual information).

As for the rates, same remark as above, too many categories for low prices.

Madeleine MacRae Klintebo
Madeleine MacRae Klintebo  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 14:49
Swedish to English
+ ...
My world Apr 4, 2013

Eileen-Ferguson wrote:

Siegfried Armbruster wrote:

There is a whole world of rates above the range you specified.

The "More than 0.13" option would take care of those

0.13 USD doesn't even touch my bottom rate. Change USD to EUR or even GBP and we can start talking.

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Would you complete a less-than-one-minute survey about résumés? :)

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