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Swedish to English Accounting Translation Glossary

Swedish term English translation
tilläggsköpeskiling supplementary purchase price
Tillf.skifters temporary shift differential
Entered by: Nikolaj Widenmann
tillgångsmassa asset pool
Entered by: Paul Lambert
tillköp additions; {timber} procurement
tillskjutet kapital capital contribution
tillvaratagande av synergier maintenance of synergies
Entered by: Paul Lambert
tkr SEK n thousand
tolkad faktura, validerad faktura interpreted invoice, validated invoice
U-märkta produkter products marked discontinued (utgåtte produkter); rejects (utskott)
u.n.ä.t. under namnändring till
Underlag för fastighedsavgift Basis for real estate/property fee
underskott tas use (up) loss/es ; include a tax loss
Entered by: dmesnier
upplåning borrowing
Upplösning av ackumulerade överavskrivningar Release of accumulated excess depreciation reserve
upplupna intäkter accrued income
Entered by: HughDESS
Uppskjuten skattekostnad i under året nyttjade skattevärde i underskottsavdrag Deferred tax expense attributable to value of tax losses carried forward capitalized during the year
uppskrivn fond revaluation reserve
Entered by: Paul Lambert
utan anmodan automatically; unprompted; unsolicited
Utdelning (av företag) distribution in kind (of a company)
Entered by: dmesnier
utgående ackumulerade avskrivningar accumulated depreciation carried forward; accumulated depreciation closing balance
valutadifferenser currency gains or losses
valutaförfall (FX, currency) option time decay
valutajusterat adjusted for currency (effects)
varulager inventory
väsentlighetströskeln significance threshold verification no.
Entered by: Jeanette Waldvogel
verifikationer receipt vouchers
Entered by: David Rumsey
vidaredebitering on-charging
Vilt köp Ad hoc purchase
vp securities
Entered by: Paul Lambert
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