Sep 10, 2010 15:24
14 yrs ago
16 viewers *
French term

portage externe / portage

French to English Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general) Marketing
In THIS context:
Les missions de la Direction du Développement Durable sont les suivantes : Proposer les politiques et stratégies du Groupe en matière de développement durable, en impulser la mise en œuvre par les branches opérationnelles et directions fonctionnelles et en organiser le reporting et le **portage externe**...
...Le **portage** et la réalisation de ces offres sont assurés par [Company X], filiale de la branche [Y]."
This seems a jargon expression / jargon word and although I can make some educated guesses I'd like to know if anyone has a clear sense of this.
Many thanks as always.


Rimas Balsys (asker) Sep 12, 2010:
...sure about porting Yes I think I'm pretty sure about "porting". If you re-read the client's explanation, it refers to 1) finding & dealing with the right contacts/communicators/journalists/etc and 2) giving them the right infoormation to disseminate the right people in the right way.
I think this is franglais using a technological metaphor, and evidence of how today's technology is shaping conceptsm metaphors and speech.
This is actually no surprise - I've been translating Fre>Eng for over 20 yrs and I've noticed so many French expressions changing meaning (eg: a partir de) - In the grand scheme of things this is no bad thing as we all need to build methaphor, or art and language die...
rkillings Sep 12, 2010:
How sure are you about 'porting'? You don't think the metaphor is carrying the ball, as in rugby à XV? <g>

That is what filiale X is assigned to do, no? Porter le ballon dans l'en-but, while the DDD generals watch from the sideline …
Kiwiland Bear Sep 11, 2010:
Hmm, ok. Having read that explanation, what about "export[ing]" then?
Rimas Balsys (asker) Sep 11, 2010:
...outsourcing Close but not quite. My own initial guess was something like "publicizing" and this has turned out to be roughly right. The client's PR people have got back to me to explain that this means "présenter nos activités aux représentants des parties prenantes externes.
Organiser le portage externe consiste à identifier ces personnes et les informer sur la politique DD (développement durable),
afin de garantir la diffusion d’une information de bonne qualité à tous les interlocuteurs concernés"
To me, this means they're using "portage" as franglais for "porting", which is a technological metaphor used in the sense of "porting information to external stakeholders" (examples of which you can find on the web).
But then who am I to complain about technological metaphors - We use "saddled with" (horse metaphor), "set in stone" (printing metaphpr), etc - and I guess this is just developing our language as only English can...
What is most intriguing to me is that this metaphor doesn't refer to physical processes but to electronic/IT processes ("port" being a virtual door by which a computer communicates with the outside world).
Suddenly I feel very old! :-)
philgoddard Sep 10, 2010:
Could it be "buy-in" (another jargon word), meaning backing or support? It fits the context and the idea of "porter" meaning "to carry".

Proposed translations

15 mins

portage externe

Portage = transport of equipment/baggage/stuff by porters/someone
A guess: external input or external collaboration

Note added at 24 mins (2010-09-10 15:49:03 GMT)

In the second sentence: "Le portage et realisation des offres..." could mean "...the undertaking (as in carrying the burden of these offers)/responsability/supervision and execution of these offers is guaranteed by ..."

Note added at 26 mins (2010-09-10 15:50:41 GMT)

Also..."the outsourcing of these offers..."
Something went wrong...
5 hrs

external support/external backup

could be...
Peer comment(s):

agree B D Finch : I've recently translated "portage" as "mentoring", but without more context, your suggestions are safer.
12 hrs
thank you
Something went wrong...
9 hrs


Sounds familiar? :-)
Peer comment(s):

agree Catharine Cellier-Smart : the best translation in this context
54 mins
Thank you!
agree joehlindsay : I think they mean portage like 'portage salarial' (see wikiperdia -, outsourcing more or less.
17 hrs
Thank you
Something went wrong...
1 day 7 hrs


See the client's explanation in the discussion entries.
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

5 hrs


Violaine PRINCE Montpellier, 22 août 2008 Objet : Rapport avant ...
118k - Adobe PDF - View as html
Le chapitre 9 se focalise sur le portage externe avec l'extracteur CESTAR/NESPOLE d'evelopp'e par ... prouver la g'en'eralisation du portage externe, mais l`a il est un ...
[hal-00390857, v1] TA statistique à petits corpus pour des ...
609k - Adobe PDF - View as html
Laboratoire LIG, GETALP – Université Joseph Fourier, 385 rue de la bibliothèque, BP n° 53, ... Tableau 6 : exemples de résultats obtenus par portage externe ...
Dreameye - Jeux Video Network
- Translate
Si Square Enix se décide pour une version Xbox, ça risque alors d'être un portage externe... ou de rajouter de la discorde entre Wada et les créatifs de la boite. ... - Cached
66k - Adobe PDF - View as html
attendre d'avoir rempli complètement le formulaire, puis afficher la barre ... les solutions éventuelles de recours à des ressources ou portage externe ...
Trouver une alimentation SB3 en France ? [Archive ...
- Translate
[Archive] Trouver une alimentation SB3 en France ? Français ... même lorsque rien n'est branché dessus, et qu'il s'agit du portage externe d'un périphérique de PC, j'ai de ... - Cached
Peer comments on this reference comment:

neutral Catharine Cellier-Smart : not 'portage' in the right context
5 hrs
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