Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

Sonstiges Ergebnis

English translation:

Other income and expense items

Added to glossary by Sebastian Witte
Jul 27, 2023 16:30
1 yr ago
45 viewers *
German term

Sonstiges Ergebnis

German to English Bus/Financial Accounting

Is this "Other comprehensive income"? It's a bank. German GAAP (HGB accounting) applies.

in Mio. €
Entwicklung ausgewählter GuV-Posten
in Mio. €
in %


Nettoergebnis des Handelsbestands

Operative Erträge


Andere Verwaltungsaufwendungen

Abschreibungen auf immaterielle Vermögenswerte und Sachanlagen

Operative Aufwendungen

***Sonstiges Ergebnis***

Operatives Ergebnis

in Mio. €
Entwicklung ausgewählter GuV-Posten
in Mio. €
in %

Verlustübernahme Beteiligungen

Zuführungen zum Fonds gemäß § 340g HGB


Außerordentliches Ergebnis

Gewinn vor Steuern



Best regards,


Sebastian Witte (asker) Jul 28, 2023:
Thank you, Robin.
RobinB Jul 28, 2023:
Potential solution Of course, OCI doesn't belong in a P&L like that anyway. How about "Other income and expense items"? Sort of fudges the issue a bit, I know, but it looks right.
Sebastian Witte (asker) Jul 28, 2023:
@ Robin It's an annual report from a German savings bank. In the annual financial statements, it says "Der Jahresabschluss der Sparkasse X wurde nach den Vorschriften des Handelsgesetzbuches, des
Aktiengesetzes, der Verordnung über die Rechnungslegung der Kreditinstitute, Finanzdienstleistungsinstitute
und Wertpapierinstitute (RechKredV) und der Satzung der Sparkasse X aufgestellt. Auf die Aufstellung
eines Teil-Konzernabschlusses gemäß § 340i HGB wurde verzichtet, da die Sparkasse X gemäß § 291
Abs. 1 HGB in den befreienden Konzernabschluss der Finanzholding der Sparkasse in X, X, als
Muttergesellschaft einbezogen wird."
RobinB Jul 27, 2023:
HGB/German GAAP? Hi Sebastian,
Are you sure this is HGB/German GAAP? The reason I ask is that there is no "sonstiges Ergebnis" or OCI in HGB/German GAAP, but German bank IFRS financial statements I have translated often use the reporting template found in the RechKredV, modified where appropriate to incorporate IFRS line items.

Proposed translations

4 hrs

Miscellaneous Earnings (Item)

> could include 'negative earnings' as a loss, whereas miscellaneous income doesn't.

Query: comprehensive, even under German GAAP (HGB) and with divergent, well-nigh conflicting, definitions in the two example sentences.
Example sentence:

Other comprehensive income contains all changes that are not permitted to be included in profit or loss. It is particularly valuable for understanding ongoing changes in the fair value of a company's assets.

Other comprehensive income is those revenues, expenses, gains, and losses that are excluded from net income on the income statement.

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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
9 mins

comprehensive income

You may omit "other". Just "comprehensive income".
Check this site:
It's got a translation in English.
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18 hrs

other comprehensive income

I think you're OK for "other comprehensive income", it's the term used by a major German group whose half-yearly report I've been working on this week. Looks like it's an IFRS term: Other comprehensive income is those items of income and expense that are not recognised in profit or loss in accordance with IFRS Standards.
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Reference comments

38 mins

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Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Björn Vrooman : Nix Deutsch: "Im Vergleich dazu kennt HGB kein 'sonstiges Ergebnis', sondern stattdessen nur einen Wertmaßstab für den Erfolg des Jahres..."
1 hr
Ja, hatte mich auch schon gewundert...
agree writeaway
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