Glossary entry

Arabic term or phrase:

الجهات المشرفة

English translation:

The overseeing/supervising bodies

Added to glossary by Fadoua Abida
Feb 17, 2010 14:06
15 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Arabic term

الجهات المشرفة

Non-PRO Arabic to English Other Religion education
وحرصت الجهات المشرفة على التكوين أن تتلقى المرشدات الدينيات تكوينا مكثفا
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Proposed translations

1 hr

The bodies overseeing/supervising

Since your context is religious, I prefer not to use "authorities" unless it is سلطات, it is better to use a neutral word.

Since there is a verb, I would start as: The bodies overseeing the formation made sure
Peer comment(s):

agree Hassan Al-Haifi (wordforword) : We are thinking along the same lines and at the same time. No problem and there is no harm done at all!
18 mins
Right, it makes it even better to see more than one thinking alike :)
agree Mona Helal : overseeing bodies
7 hrs
You are right, Mona. I only chose that for the specific context because we have to mention what they are overseeing.
agree Amal Dweik : overseeing bodies for sure
1152 days
شكراًًًًًًً جزيلاًً يا أمل ولو بعد حين فالدعم مشجع :)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you Lamis"
3 mins

supervising authorities

Peer comment(s):

agree Mona Helal : also: supervising bodies
9 hrs
Many thanks Mona :)
Something went wrong...
1 hr

Oversight Entities

If the intention is from a regulatory or "watch dog" context. thenm this might be useful, especially in this case since this would be a monitorting role of sorts. It depends on what capacity these entities would have. Most likely they are an overseeing relgious institution that keeps an on religious jurtisdictional affairs. In other ways they are not government "authorities", with legal regulatory powers.

See the Arabic definition in the First link and the introduction of the second link which is somewhat similar in context
Peer comment(s):

agree Lamis Maalouf : Right as well. It seems that we were searching at the same time.
24 mins
Thanks for the recognition.
neutral Mona Helal : oversight might be misconstrued as: سهو
7 hrs
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