This question was closed without grading. Reason: Other
Sep 14, 2011 20:39
13 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term
sweep through
English to Arabic
A new chief executive takes over and decides to make his or her mark. All too often this means transforming the company into the kind of company that be or she has just left and is familiar with. This often means employing the same techniques. If the new chief executive has left a thriving organization then the raft of changes will sweep through embracing both single- and double-loop learning as appropriate.
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
5 mins
تنجح بسهولة في
5 mins
5 mins
ستجتاح موجة التغييرات
7 mins
تصل إلى/تنتشر في/تتخل
تكتسح دون عقبة
8 mins
تنجح بسهولة في
Note added at 8 mins (2011-09-14 20:48:01 GMT)
sweep through succeed at easily
Note added at 8 mins (2011-09-14 20:48:01 GMT)
sweep through succeed at easily
10 mins
تندفع بقوة نحو
تندفع بقوة نحو
2 hrs
11 hrs
ستنساب/ستسري بسهولة خلال
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