Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

social inclusion initiatives

Chinese translation:


Added to glossary by iLen
Nov 14, 2003 02:35
21 yrs ago
English term

social inclusion initiatives

English to Chinese Other
Review existing arrangements to promote lifelong learning through social inclusion initiatives

Proposed translations

19 hrs



这里谈的时lifelong learning, 似乎是鼓励少数族裔充分利用政策提供的学习机会,多学习知识,更好地融入主流社会。

Peer comment(s):

agree Denyce Seow : Maybe other (Chinese) definitions stand as well but Libin is right, in the sense that the sentence is about "lifelong learning" and 社会融入计划 will make more sense here.
13 hrs
agree HymnLau
14 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
1 hr


Peer comment(s):

agree English Chinese Medical Translator - Jimmy Deng
7 mins
agree pleasure
1 hr
agree Weiyong
2 hrs
agree Zong Yang Yu
7 hrs
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1 hr



Here is a reference to the UK context from the Internet:

"The UK context

The term social inclusion has a wide usage, particularly in the West. In the UK context the government has used their definition of social exclusion to define social inclusion as its opposite:

‘Social inclusion is achieved when individuals or areas do not suffer from the negative effects of unemployment, poor skills, low income, poor housing, crime, bad health, family problems, limited access to services and rurality, e.g. remoteness, sparsity, isolation and high costs.’

A variety of national policy strategies and initiatives work towards achieving social inclusion in the UK, encompassing both economic and social policy areas. Initiatives working towards social inclusion range from tax credits implemented by the Treasury, to welfare-to-work programmes managed by the Department for Work and Pensions, to the Connexions Service for young people being managed by the Department for Education and Skills. Social Inclusion is a cross-departmental strategy that encompasses many of the government’s policy areas."

Note added at 1 hr 40 mins (2003-11-14 04:16:06 GMT)
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6 hrs

social inclusion initiatives

Peer comment(s):

agree fengjiao
6 hrs
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20 hrs


social inclusion initiatives or community inclusion initiatives
Peer comment(s):

agree Xiang Ding
2 days 2 hrs
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