Glossary entry

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German translation:


Added to glossary by Andrea Hauer
Apr 20, 2010 14:51
14 yrs ago
English term

hier: flat

English to German Bus/Financial Finance (general) Verkaufsprospekt/Fonds
panel prices fared better than the seasonal average (almost *flat* compared to a historical 5% fall); notebook demand was strong in the holiday selling period; and companies in Asia began to see re-ordering earlier than expected

wie versteht ihr "flat" in diesem Kontext? Danke!
Change log

Apr 22, 2010 09:32: Andrea Hauer Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

4 mins

nahezu/quasi unverändert

Veränderung +/- 0% gegenüber ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Klaus Lauble
51 mins
agree Werner Walther
53 mins
agree Christine Janos
2 hrs
agree bwieser
3 hrs
agree Thomas Pfann
5 hrs
agree Olaf Reibedanz
5 hrs
agree Steffen Schmeisser
7 hrs
agree Rolf Keiser
20 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Danke"
31 mins


praktisch flache Kurve im Vergleich zu ..
Peer comment(s):

agree Werner Walther : Richtig, aber als Formulierung zu schwerfällig.
27 mins
Something went wrong...
2 hrs


panel prices fared better than the seasonal average (almost *flat* compared to a historical 5% fall); notebook demand was strong in the holiday selling period; and companies in Asia began to see re-ordering earlier than expected
es klingt nach " gleichbleibend flau"
hope this is helpful
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