Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
common land
Indonesian translation:
tanah milik bebas pakai
English term
common land
We don’t earn anything in a month. Not since you Posh people were given ownership of the common land.
Apa ya terjemahan common land disini?
4 | tanah milik bebas pakai |
Wiyanto Suroso
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4 | tanah umum |
Henny Willis
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4 | tanah dengan hak umum/adat |
ErichEko ⟹⭐
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4 | lahan umum |
ria amongpradja
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3 | tanah bersama |
Arif Rakhman
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2 | tanah ulayat |
Ahmad Ridwan Munib
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Dec 24, 2012 02:19: Wiyanto Suroso Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
tanah milik bebas pakai
Common land (a common) is land owned collectively or by one person, but over which other people have certain traditional rights, such as to allow their livestock to graze upon it, to collect firewood, or to cut turf for fuel.
"Common land" does not mean state-owned or public land, but is owned by private individuals or corporations called partition units.
tanah ulayat
tanah umum
Bahkan dari pengukuran tadi malah tembok panyengker di samping warungnya dia (Soma) yang nyerobot tanah umum,”
tanah dengan hak umum/adat
Dari referensi berikut, sepertinya common land itu adalah tanah dalam penguasaan pribadi, namun dikenakan hak umum atau adat.
Di dalam teks, maksud pembicara mungkin adalah perubahan status dari common land menjadi tanah privat murni. Pada tanah privat murni, hanya hak negara (mis. kepentingan pembangunan jalan tol) yang dapat mengatasi hak privat. Orang lain yang masuk akan dianggap penyerobot atau penerobos (trespasser).
Common land is a piece of land in private ownership, where other people have certain traditional rights to use it in specified ways, such as being allowed to graze their livestock or gather firewood.
Those who have a right of common are known as ‘commoners’, with the landowner retaining other rights to the land, such as rights to minerals and large timber and to any common rights left unexercised by the commoners.
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