Mar 29, 2008 09:06
16 yrs ago
English term

potency of such illusion of mastery-over-time

English to Italian Other Anthropology
...‘having in a way ensconced themselves in the present moment, in a logic of “no delay”, bathe in the illusion of potency to conquer time’ by abolishing it (for a time!) altogether or at least mitigating its frustrating impact. It would be hard to exaggerate the healing or tranquilizing potency of such illusion of mastery-over-time – the potency of dissolve future in the present and encapsulate it in ‘the now’.

Proposed translations

6 hrs

illusorio dominio sul tempo


illusorio potere di dominio sul tempo

ma la seconda mi sembra ridondante.. la metto come opzione, ma personalmente non la userei.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Grazie!"
3 mins

potenza di questa illusione di dominare il tempo

Peer comment(s):

agree Maria Luisa Dell'Orto : sì, bella!
8 mins
Grazie Maria Luisa
agree Gad Kohenov : Agree.
10 mins
agree Oscar Romagnone
52 mins
Grazie Oscar
agree Maria Rosa Fontana
6 hrs
Grazie Maria Rosa
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2 hrs

potenza di tale illusione di essere padroni del tempo

o di poter controllare il tempo...
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