Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

to drop off

Italian translation:

lasciare (alcuni campioni)

Added to glossary by Teodoro Lovallo
May 18, 2005 11:05
19 yrs ago
4 viewers *
English term

to drop off

English to Italian Medical Business/Commerce (general)
Research tells us that customers rate "following up" as one of the most important things a sales representative can do. Knowing this, it's critical that your post-call notes indicate whether a follow-up call is required (e.g., to drop off samples, poster, dosage cards, etc.).

Non capisco se voglia dire "lasciare al cliente campioni ecc", oppure "passarli a ritirare", oppure "lasciargliene meno" la prossima volta
Proposed translations (Italian)
5 +4 lasciare

Proposed translations

3 mins


Senza dubbio

Note added at 3 mins (2005-05-18 11:08:52 GMT)

scusa, intendo lasciare campioni.

Drop off non ha connotazioni negative.

Note added at 9 mins (2005-05-18 11:14:31 GMT)

Follow up call direi intenda: visita che fa seguito a una visita precedente ( direi che il vergo che vuole usare e\'to call on someone, cosicche\' la frase ha piu\' senso)

Note added at 10 mins (2005-05-18 11:15:30 GMT)

Oops, verbo, non vergo. Scusate, ma sono troppo occupato a tossire....
Peer comment(s):

agree Federica Eriani (X)
1 min
Grazie Federica
agree Alberta Batticciotto
3 mins
Grazie Alberta
agree Noelia Fernández Vega : d'accordo
5 mins
Grazie Noelia
agree Stefano Asperti
5 mins
Grazie Stefano
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Grazie mille, gentilissimo e rapidissimo!!!"
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