Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

walled garden approach

Italian translation:

approccio del (cossiddetto) \"giardino murato\"

Added to glossary by valeriefrance
Feb 21, 2011 18:54
14 yrs ago
9 viewers *
English term

walled garden approach

English to Italian Other General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters description of tv
For those who want some great extra features, the inclusion of the Viera Cast should be sufficient. Using Panasonic’s own technology, users can stream videos to the player through a ***walled garden approach.*** The DMP-BD65 has a portal that allows users to access a limited number of sites easily and quickly. Although typing in the name of the video you want to play is a little tricky, the player has a user sign-in that makes their favourite videos available to watch. Those who do not have a wired internet connection can buy a Wi-Fi dongle for obtaining Viera Cast services. However, a built-in Wi-Fi would have been preferable at this price. Nonetheless, the Viera Cast functionality is quick and it works perfectly fine.

Proposed translations

15 mins

approccio del (cossiddetto) "giardino murato"

si può mantenere la formula in inglese, oppure la traduzione in italiano, che a mio parere è preferibile. Puoi trovare informazioni qui:

Note added at 16 min (2011-02-21 19:10:29 GMT)

Puoi usare la traduzione in Italiano tranquillamente poichè il termine è entrato nel linguaggio comune del settore a causa delle politiche Apple
Peer comment(s):

agree zerlina
3 hrs
agree Sara Negro
14 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "grazie"
11 mins

metodo/approccio giardino recintato

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10 mins

sistema walled garden


Note added at 11 mins (2011-02-21 19:05:53 GMT)

rimane così

"Capito che scalzare il dominio di Google sul web era impossibile, si è lavorato a creare un internet alternativo, fatto di "walled garden" (cioè di siti chiusi, non accessibili a tutti)."
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