Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
convenant commitment
Italian translation:
fermo impegno nell\'onorare il patto con Dio
English term
convenant commitment
Per aiutarvi ecco i primi tre paragrafi del testo in cui si trova questa espressione:
The prophet Daniel and the apostle John both contributed enormously to our understanding of the endtime and the climax of this age. To these two men we owe the books of Daniel and Revelation. Both of them saw the Word of God revealed to them through visions and an open heaven. Why were they so blessed?
The scriptures show clearly that they were not just cloistered scholarly types. Neither one of them arrived at the truth through some prolonged intellectual process. So what was it about these two that allowed them to be entrusted with these awesome and glorious truths of the endtime? Can their personal lives provide some sort of clue?
The scriptures give us the answer. Both of them had a deep love for God. That love was manifested in a zeal to see the unfolding of God's plans and purposes here below. Their burden was for Jerusalem and for God's holy people. Because of their covenant commitment both found themselves caught up in extraordinary adventures that involved great trials and testings. God also opened up heaven and revealed His secrets to them. By the end of their days they had seen not only the rise and fall of kingdoms and rulers but had seen across the centuries to our day and the second coming of our Redeemer, the long awaited Messiah of Israel.
4 +3 | zelante amore per il patto divino | Sara Negro |
Apr 21, 2011 15:58: Ilaria A. Feltre changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO"
PRO (3): Sara Negro, Oscar Romagnone, Ilaria A. Feltre
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An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)
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Proposed translations
zelante amore per il patto divino
Note added at 5 mins (2011-04-21 15:31:38 GMT)
errata corrige:
... metterei "dedizione"...
Note added at 11 mins (2011-04-21 15:37:50 GMT)
Oppure, pensandoci meglio, direi "impegno preso nel rispettare il patto con Dio", come quando ci si fa battezzare nelle chiese evangeliche e si mostra di aver stretto il patto con il Signore di servirLo e ubbidirLo con la propria vita.
Note added at 6 days (2011-04-28 09:08:16 GMT) Post-grading
grazie Manuela e buona continuazione. :o)
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