Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Portuguese translation:
- The asker opted for community grading. The question was closed on 2009-11-30 15:54:09 based on peer agreement (or, if there were too few peer comments, asker preference.)
English term
"The notion of deliberative democracy stems from critical theory and political ecology. It envisions a different form of democracy, where inclusiveness, **reflexivity**, social learning and power redistribution are pivotal (Rosenberg, 2007).
Nov 30, 2009 15:58: Carla Lopes changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/0">'s</a> old entry - "reflexivity"" to ""Reflexividade""
Proposed translations
A reflexividade e auto-reflexividade são qualidades presentes, potencialmente, em todas as formas de literatura, porém a insistência nas últimas décadas na investigação dessas qualidades no romance fazem com que sejam paradigmas mais facilmente identificáveis no modo narrativo de produção literária. A procura de paradigmas que sejam capazes de descrever as características do pós-modernismo na ficção contemporânea levou a consagrar, teoricamente, o texto reflexivo e o texto auto-reflexivo como formas de expressão que podem ajudar a essa tentativa de explicação do que seja o romance pós-moderno.
Note added at min 1 (2009-11-27 11:37:36 GMT)
capacidade de reflexão (ou de refletir)
agree |
: Reflexivity (social theory), a concept in social theory relating to the capacity of an individual agent to act against influences of socialization and social structure
5 hrs
Obrigada Rir.
capacidade de rea(c)ção
relação(ões) (logica)(s)
(hypernym) logical relation
(classification) logic
A Dictionary of Postmodern Terms: reflexivity:
Parsons' term. Actors with a reflexive attitude tend to be self-aware. of their own motivations. However, according to Potter, reflexivity for Garfinkel means the way in which description enters into the constitution of what is being described. "In stressing the reflexive nature of discourse, ethnomethodologists are attempting to under- mine the commonly assumed dualism between a description and what is being described" (Potter, 1996, p.47). To be reflexive, in terms of a work of anthropology, is to insist that anthropologists systematically and rigorously reveal their methodology and themselves as the instrument of data generation.
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