Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Be it known

Spanish translation:


Added to glossary by María T. Vargas
Oct 15, 2008 12:33
16 yrs ago
22 viewers *
English term

Be it known

English to Spanish Law/Patents Law (general)
In a Grant of Letters of Administration - is there an equivalent phrase in Spanish?
Change log

Oct 15, 2008 15:58: María T. Vargas Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

6 mins


Es exactamente eso. Suerte.
Peer comment(s):

agree Cecilia Frasca
3 hrs
Gracias, Cecilia
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks - I've gone with your answer as it's a Spanish document rather than L American."
8 mins

conste (or "que conste")

this is what appears in documents and the way I translate this term
Example sentence:

Conste por el presente que ....

Peer comment(s):

agree Enrique Huber (X) : igual en México
6 mins
Gracias, Enrique!
agree Ignacio Mainz
9 mins
Gracias, Ignacio!
agree Maria Druetta
10 mins
Gracias, med80!
agree Rafael Molina Pulgar
35 mins
Gracias, Rafael!
agree Lydia De Jorge
43 mins
Gracias, Lydia!
agree jacana54 (X)
44 mins
Gracias, Lucía!
agree isabel meyer
57 mins
gracias, Isabel!
agree Daniel Coria
1 hr
gracias, Daniel!
agree Mónica Sauza
2 hrs
gracias, Mónica!
agree Trujaman
2 hrs
gracias, Trujaman!
agree Jürgen Lakhal De Muynck
4 hrs
gracias, Jurgen!
agree Maria Kisic
1 day 12 hrs
Something went wrong...
40 mins


Lo he visto.
Something went wrong...
1 hr


Al pie de un Decreto Ley, se escribe: "Dése al Registro Oficial de Leyes y Decretos, cominíquese, publíquese en Boletín Oficial y archívese"

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